• Episode No. 148: "In space, no one can hear you shower"
    Mar 7 2025

    The Old Dogs ramble about our changing attitude towards the space program. We reveal the identity of the country’s most popular grocery store. We discuss the various ways our astronauts take a shower. We reminisce about the days when a popular American sport was… pedestrianism. And we answer the question, how come you don’t recognize your own voice? The Old Dogs Conversation is with Andy Huggins, one of the country’s most enduring comics.

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    25 mins
  • Episode No. 147: "You can pry my clutter from my cold, dead fingers."
    Feb 19 2025

    The Old Dogs ramble about the useless stuff we buy, stop using, but never get rid of. We ask you what your word for pancakes is. We present another "I Saw it on the Boob Tube." We remember - well, not personally - a time when the Sears Catalogue sold dynamite. We learn that if you failed at Hula-Hooping, it may have been because of your shape. And we enumerate some of the useless things people have in their homes. they may sound familiar. The Old Dogs Conversation is with Steve Rosencranz, a savvy financier who made a bundle, then turned to improving the lives of city kids.

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    25 mins
  • Episode 146: "Hey, Mom, I can see my bones!"
    Feb 5 2025

    The Old Dogs ramble about the dangerous stuff people did in the 50's. We sing the praises of honey, with a 2,000-year shelf life. We reveal that thrift-store treasures aren't always a myth. We answer the question everyone is asking: why does your tummy rumble? We wonder how we survived those shoe-store X-Ray machines. And we ask parents if it's wrong to have kids apologize. The Old Dogs Conversation is with Rabbi Stuart Fedorow - a man beloved by his congregation - and a heck of a radio host.

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    24 mins
  • Episode No. 145: "Putting the Hoot in Hootnanny"
    Jan 22 2025

    The Old Dogs ramble about the big folk revival of the early sixties. We learn about a rat problem that has one police department clearing out its evidence shelves. We hear from Suzanne Savoy about that whole business of sex. Paul once again tries to stump the older Old Dog. And we mourn the passing of Peter Yarrow. The Old Dogs Conversation is with Dennis Sullivan. A geriatrician whose focus is better treatment for the aged.

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    25 mins
  • Episode 144: "A Pepsi, a Zagnut, and a box of shotgun shells"
    Jan 6 2025

    The Old Dogs ramble about those grade-school lunchboxes featuring TV characters. We propose the useful idea of turning abandoned shopping malls into apartment homes. We ponder the notion of robot pets. We note with terror the rise of vending machines that dispense bullets. And we wonder why the average English speaker has such a small vocabulary. The Old Dogs conversation is with Dietmar Neidhardt, an oil and gas executive who retired and found a new passion making gelato.

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    24 mins
  • Episode No. 143: "Why do we have earlobes?"
    Dec 19 2024

    The Old Dogs ramble about all kinds of useless stuff. We try to find out why we have earlobes. We present another Ads n Fads. We offer you a chance to become a pirate - with a degree from MIT. Our new League of Literate Ladies kicks off with commentary by Bredgette Mongeon. And we announce the OED word of the year. The Old Dogs conversation is with Selia Qinn, a Houston resident who has given multiple meanings to the phrase, "there's no place like home."

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    23 mins
  • Episode No. 142: "You can live to be a hundred if you don’t die first"
    Nov 27 2024

    The Old Dogs ramble about living to 100 - is it a good idea? We ponder some of the bad practices we employ to keep dentists in business. We celebrate the inventor of the flat-bottomed paper bag. We view with alarm the rise of misinformation on the internet... or do we? We alert you to an insurance scam involving pricey cars... and bogus bears. And we reflect on the upside and downside of living to be 100. The Old Dogs Conversation is with human dynamo Vanessa Gilmore - a retired federal judge who is anything but retired.

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    25 mins
  • Episode No. 141: "A Hurkle-Durkle Podcast"
    Nov 13 2024

    The Old Dogs ramble about the sweet pleasures of lolling in bed. We alert you to a pizza parlor that serves cocaine as a toping. We bring you another edition of What Year Was It. We review the history of why we eat three meals a day. We extol the benefits of gossip. And we give you a scientific viewpoint on Hurkle-Durkling. Guess what that is. The Old Dogs Conversation is with Bill Baird, a true Southern gentleman with a long history of community building who still pursues it in retirement.

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    25 mins