Welcome to the inaugural episode of the Creating Neurodiversity-Affirming Schools podcast! Today, hosts Emily Kircher-Morris and Amanda Morin introduce themselves, and talk about their new book, Neurodiversity-Affirming Schools: Transforming Practices So All Students Feel Accepted and Supported. This podcast is great as a learning tool on its own, and it's designed to align with the chapters of the book. It provides actionable insights, strategies, and inspiration for educators and parents. Emily and Amanda discuss their personal neurodivergent journeys, how they came to collaborate, and why neurodiversity is a vital topic for schools today.
Key topics include:
The evolution of the neurodiversity movement and its roots in the autistic community.
Understanding the terms "neurodiverse," "neurodivergent," and "neuro-normative."
Why person-first vs. identity-first language matters and how to respect individual preferences.
The importance of finding like-minded communities, and making small, yet meaningful shifts in educational practices.