Gli Oratori
a cura della professoressa
Biancamaria Brumana
G. F. Handel (1685 - 1759)
CD 1
1. Symphony
2. Comfort ye my people
3. Ev'ry valley shall be exalted
4. And the glory of the Lord
5. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts
6. But who may abide the day of his coming
7. And he shall purify
8. Behold, a virgin shall conceive
9. O thou that tellest good tidings
12. For unto us a child is born
13. Pifa - Sinfonia pastorale
18. Hallelujah
Margaret Marshall, soprano
Catherine Robbin, mezzo-soprano
Saul Quirke, alto
Charles Brett, controtenore
Anthony Rolfe Johnson, tenore
Richard Hale, basso
The Monteverdi Choir
English Baroque Soloists
John Eliot Gardiner, direttore