Welcome to a special episode of Owlcast, where we embark on a journey through the rich and transformative history of the American Community Schools of Athens, or as we all know it for the past 20 years, ACS Athens. Over the past 80 years, ACS Athens has evolved from a modest education institution serving the children of British military personnel into a leading international school that embodies educational excellence and cultural diversity. In this year-long series, we'll explore some pivotal moments that have shaped the school, guided by the personal narratives of teachers, alumni, parents, and community members who have witnessed and participated in its development.
Today, we are excited to talk to Paul Cabaniss, from his home in Dallas, Texas, a beloved elementary school teacher who devoted more than two decades to ACS Athens starting in the mid-1960s. He shares vivid memories of the close-knit community and vibrant traditions that defined the school during his tenure. So, let’s open the pages of the ACS Athens History Book with Paul Cabaniss.