Welcome Parental Units to Episode 73 of The Stop Parenting & Start Coaching Podcast! We appreciate you for taking the time to level up! Today we tackle the nasty, awful thief that is stealing joy and happiness the world over! That's right, we are going to unveil the antidote to the venom found in Comparison and her ridiculously joke of a cousin, Envy. You are familiar with these two poisons and know their modus operandi. They are out to destroy you and create misery in your life!
But, we can all tool up and send these destroyers to the scrap heap if you consistently administer the antidote of...GRATITUDE! You can win the comparison/envy game AND up your parenting skills along the way! Let's goooooooo moms and dads, you can do this !
Here is some gold you can mine in this episode:
--"Obsessive Comparison Disorder" (OCD) affects mental and emotional health.
--Envy fuels unhealthy comparison and jealousy.
--Gratitude is THE powerful antidote to envy and comparison.
--Practicing gratitude can lead to optimism and positive thinking.
--Writing down things to be grateful for enhances emotional well-being.
--Family gratitude practices can strengthen bonds and promote positivity.
--Limiting social media can reduce feelings of envy and comparison.
--Focusing on effort rather than results fosters a healthier mindset.
--Modeling gratitude as parents equips children with essential life skills.
Hey there Very Important Parents! We are upping our game in 2024 as we strive to create a world-class podcast for parents of teen athletes and performers! Please hit the follow button where ever you find us (Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or elsewhere). And, you can now watch the show on YouTube). New episodes drop every Monday.
We would love it and be so grateful if you posted a glowing 5 star review along with a helpful comment for other listeners on what you are learning (and hopefully incorporating) from the show. After all, we created it just for you and as always, moms and dads, we're cheering you on as you Stop Parenting & Start Coaching! -Nate & Steve