What brings joy to your life (besides OBVIOUSLY this podcast...and wine)? Is it things & stuff? People & places? A big bank account and an even bigger wine store? What are your favorite things? This week, Wine Goddess Carrie Flaspohler joins me to talk about three of our very favorite things - things that make our lives just a little bit better during the Epic Early '20s Shitstorm (which is. the official title of the new decade, by the way). And no, we're not getting paid to pimp our favorite things: these are all brought to you sponsor-free & brimmin' with old-fashioned objectivity.
That said, I'm not above full-on pimping my own wines, including the new Tous Les Jours 2019 California Pinot Noir. At only $15 a bottle, it's the everyday wine your life has been missing, so get you some - in fact, get a lot, because shipping is free with 6 bottles or more. To learn more about Tous Les Jours wines, check it out here.