Call us Captain Ahab this week because we just landed a White Whale. In part one of a two-part episode, we're diving as deep as we can into the career of Philip Seymour Hoffman. From his work with Paul Thomas Anderson to blockbuster fare such as Twister and all the way to his 2005 Oscar win for Capote, Hoffman was one of the greatest actors of the late 20th and early 21st Century and it's an honour to cover him for our fifth birthday. Andrew Twitter: @Andrew_Carroll0 Stephen Twitter: @StephenPorzio I Know That Face Twitter: @IKnowThatFaceP1 / Instagram: @iknowthatface / Facebook: @iknowthatfacepod Edited by Andrew Carroll and Stephen Porzio Intro and Outro Music: No Boundaries (motorik groove) by Keshco. Licence Learn more about your ad choices. Visit