July’s online satsang with Swami Nirmalananda Giri (Abbot George Burke) will be held on Saturday, July 6th, at 12 noon, EST. You can go to the registration page and sign up using this link, or use the signup button below. When registering, you can submit any questions which you would like Swamiji to answer during the satsang.
Podcast and Video: Living (and Dying) as a Yogi In a podcast interview with our friend Jonathan Mahoney, Swami Nirmalananda discusses the kind of life we need to live in order to die as yogis, and have a real spiritual boost in the afterlife. Listen to the podcast here, or watch the Youtube podcast below. The podcast is 53 minutes long.
(The podcast player will not show if you get this by email, so you can listen to Living (and Dying) as a Yogi here.)
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