Introduction to P&T and a 'Meet the Team' pilot episode.
The Pots & Trowels team have been making gardening videos on YouTube and Facebook since 2019.
Martin Fish is a gardener with over 40 years practical gardening experience and now speaks & judges at flower and garden shows across the globe!
Jill Fish is a dab hand with the camera and as well as being our chief camera operator has a sideline in sumptuous food creations! - see her instagram for the proof!
Sean Riley is the technical bod who presses (mostly) the right buttons to get the Podcast prepped & the YouTube videos edited.
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Our weekly YouTube videos are here: Pots & Trowels YouTube
The Pots & Trowels team:
Martin Fish
Jill Fish
Sean Riley
Find out more about Martin & Jill at
Find out more about Sean at
Podcast produced by the team, edited by Sean, hosted by