• Episode 6: How Estela Rivas-Bryant Turned Her Passion for Hockey into a Program that Equips Girls with Important Life Skills
    Jun 7 2024

    Coach Estela Rivas-Bryant and her friends are using their passion for hockey to create and build a wonderful mentorship program for girls. In fact, they’ve had such a tremendous impact that the National Hockey League has named Estela as a finalist for the NHL’s Willie O’Ree Community Hero Award given to those who, through the game of hockey, have positively impacted their community, culture or society.

    You’ll love Estela’s positive energy and her commitment to empowering this next generation of girls with leadership skills both on and off the ice. You’ll hear about Estela's fascinating childhood, and how her upbringing help craft the industrious, creative, strong woman she is today. You'll also learn that Estela grew up with something very special in common with Taylor Swift. Any guesses?! :)

    To learn more about Coach Estela and The Empowerment Effect, to make a donation, or to get involved with this great organization, visit www.TheEmpowermentEffect.org

    To see first-hand the impact Estela and The Empowerment Effect are having on the community, click: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dItXrtyO1Y8 .

    The winner of the 2024 Willie O’Ree Community Hero Award will be announced at the NHL Draft in Las Vegas on June 28th. To learn more about the Award, visit: https://records.nhl.com/awards/trophies/willie-o-ree-community-hero-award

    The Empowerment Effect also hosts an adult hockey tournament fundraiser called PLAY LA in Lakewood, CA over Labor Day weekend (Aug 30 – Sept 2, 2024). For more info, check out: https://www.theempowermenteffect.org/playla

    Connect with The Empowerment Effect on social media:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the.empowerment.effect/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/the.empowerment.effect.org/

    Learn more about Deb Carson at www.DebCarson.com .

    You can also reach out via her social media pages:





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    45 mins
  • Episode 5: Lisa Manheim on Building Community and Sharing Hope with Patients and Families Affected by Pancreatic Cancer (Part 2 of 2)
    May 16 2024

    Lisa Manheim is a force! And when her equally tenacious mom, Agi Hirshberg, recruited her to help find a cure for pancreatic cancer after losing her husband to the disease at just 54-years-old, Lisa said “yes”. She left her prestigious retail career and began what is now a 25-year purpose-filled mission as Executive Director of the Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research.

    In this episode, Part 2 of my interview with Lisa, you’ll learn about two more inspiring events that provide a supportive, nurturing community for those affected by pancreatic cancer, while raising money to help fund research and provide desperately needed resources for patients and caregivers.

    The 12th Annual Tour de Pier takes place Sunday, May 19, 2024 on the Manhattan Beach Strand. This unique five-hour event features 350 stationary bikes facing the Pacific Ocean as participants “Ride In Place to Move Charity Forward.” Each hour, a different spin instructor, celebrity rider and honorary (patient) rider inspire participants throughout this uplifting, emotional, high-energy day. (www.tourdepier.com)

    In addition to supporting the Hirshberg Foundation, Tour de Pier raises funds for the Uncle Kory Foundation (www.UncleKory.org) and Cancer Support Community South Bay (www.cscsouthbay.org).

    The 27th Annual LA Cancer Challenge is a wonderful Halloween-themed 5K walk/run scheduled for Sunday, October 27, 2024 on the campus of UCLA. https://pancreatic.org/event/la-cancer-challenge/

    To learn more about Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research, or to donate, please visit:
    Website: www.pancreatic.org
    YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/HirshbergFoundation
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/hirshbergfoundation/
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/HirshbergFoundation
    Twitter/X: www.twitter.com/hirshbergfound

    To learn about the new Agi Hirshberg Center for Pancreatic Diseases at UCLA, visit https://pancreatic.org/new-agi-hirshberg-center-for-pancreatic-diseases-unveiled/

    The Hirshberg Foundation’s annual Symposium on Pancreatic Cancer is held at UCLA every spring. https://pancreatic.org/eighteenth-annual-symposium-on-pancreatic-cancer/

    To learn more about Hirshberg Training Team or the Purple People Party (during the LA Marathon): www.HirshbergTrainingTeam.com

    If you missed Part 1 of my visit with Lisa, click this link to hear her inspiring story! https://www.buzzsprout.com/2266957/15076708

    Learn more about Deb Carson at www.DebCarson.com .

    You can also reach out via her social media pages:





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    20 mins
  • Episode 4: How Lisa Manheim Went From Rising Star in Retail to Running a Foundation with a Mission to Save Lives and Never Give Up! (part 1 of 2)
    May 15 2024

    Lisa Manheim is a force! And when her equally tenacious mom, Agi Hirshberg, recruited her to help find a cure for pancreatic cancer after losing her husband to the disease at just 54-years-old, Lisa said “yes”. She left her prestigious retail career and began what is now a 25-year purpose-filled mission as Executive Director of the Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research.

    In this first episode, Lisa shares the love story of Agi and Ron Hirshberg, and how his diagnosis and passing left his devastated family determined to help other patients and families affected by this disease.

    Lisa's most important advice to those fighting pancreatic cancer? There ARE long-term survivors! Don't get sucked into the "statistics" and "facts", which can admittedly feel daunting. Why can't YOU be one of the survivors?! Try to remain hopeful throughout your treatment. Keep a positive mindset and focus on those survivor stories. Please reach out to the Hirshberg Foundation if you need support, connection and community.

    Coming up in Part 2 of my interview with Lisa, you’ll learn about two of MY favorite Hirshberg events: The Tour de Pier (coming up Sunday, May 19) and the LA Cancer Challenge 5K walk/run (Sunday, October 27).

    To learn more about Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research, or to donate, please visit:
    Website: www.pancreatic.org
    YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/HirshbergFoundation
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/hirshbergfoundation/
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/HirshbergFoundation
    Twitter/X: www.twitter.com/hirshbergfound

    Agi Hirshberg Center for Pancreatic Diseases at UCLA is a new, innovative, state-of-the-art facility that allows patients the ability to see their entire team in one place. (Dedicated in April 2024) - https://pancreatic.org/new-agi-hirshberg-center-for-pancreatic-diseases-unveiled/

    The Hirshberg Foundation’s annual Symposium on Pancreatic Cancer is held at UCLA every spring. This event provides a chance for patients and families to sit side-by-side with doctors, caregivers and survivors to share information, ask questions and feel the support of this community. https://pancreatic.org/eighteenth-annual-symposium-on-pancreatic-cancer/

    The Purple People Party is held every year during the LA Marathon (in March). It’s a fun, uplifting, community-building event at which purple-clad friends and fans of the Hirshberg Training Team cheer and support participants in the LA Marathon. (www.HirshbergTrainingTeam.com )

    Upcoming Events:
    Tour de Pier – May 19, 2024 - https://pancreatic.org/event/tour-de-pier/
    LA Cancer Challenge – October 27, 2024 https://pancreatic.org/event/la-cancer-c

    Learn more about Deb Carson at www.DebCarson.com .

    You can also reach out via her social media pages:





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    28 mins
  • Episode 3: Using Art to Heal After Life’s Darkest Moments with Dawn Renee Bova
    Mar 17 2024

    How do you survive a series of unimaginable losses? Best-selling author, intuitive artist and angel mom Dawn Renee Bova shares how she used art as a medium through which to start healing her own deep grief after losing her son, her grandson, and a close friend she considered her adopted son, all within a short period of time.

    Dawn now shares her art, and uses her strength and compassion to teach others about the healing power of art. She encourages us to incorporate creative endeavors in our own healing journeys after life’s darkest moments. And she reminds us to make our own health a priority, since we can't pour from an empty cup.

    Dawn is also a nurse practitioner who remains a very active advocate in the recovery realm. She explains, “Because my life has been impacted by loss, mental illnesses, and substance use disorders, I have a powerful understanding of the healing power of art.” Dawn shares wisdom and tools for healing during her own weekly podcast, Catch Some SoulShine.

    You can learn more about Dawn, her artwork, and her Ripple Experiment at:

    You can also connect with Dawn via her social media links.

    Thank you for joining us for Powered By Purpose with Deb Carson! Please subscribe so you’ll be the first to know when a new episode drops.

    I hope you’re always inspired to give back whenever you can, in any WAY you’re able, no matter how insignificant you think it might be. To someone, it might mean everything.

    Cheers to you! And have an amazing day.

    Learn more about Deb Carson at www.DebCarson.com .

    You can also reach out via her social media pages:





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    36 mins
  • Episode 2: Marathon Goddess Julie Weiss on How Fighting for a Greater Purpose Inspired Her to Conquer 52 Marathons in 52 Weeks
    Mar 6 2024

    How can you turn devastating circumstances into the motivation to conquer a seemingly impossible goal? Julie Weiss shares how losing her father to pancreatic cancer just 35 days after his diagnosis fueled her determination to run 52 marathons in 52 weeks to increase awareness about the disease and raise one million dollars in research funds. During her journey, Julie became known as the Marathon Goddess, and was even profiled in the documentary Spirit of the Marathon II.

    You’ll learn about Julie’s balancing act as she competed in 52 marathons from Rome to Hawaii and across the continental USA, all while working a full-time job and raising teenagers. She shares how she tackled three marathons in three consecutive days in Lake Tahoe, battled high altitude as she raced in Colorado, and had to pivot at the last minute to find a different race after Super Storm Sandy caused the last-minute cancellation of the New York City Marathon.

    You’ll be inspired by Julie’s encouragement to Never Give Up on your dreams, to listen to your body, to take care of your body and mind, and to make self-care a priority. You’ll also be reminded that you can change someone’s day, and maybe their world, with a smile and some kindness.

    Julie Weiss is an author, a popular motivational speaker, and a fitness enthusiast who continues to run marathons to raise pancreatic cancer awareness and research funds. To learn more about Julie, please visit her official website: https://marathongoddess.com/

    You can also connect with Julie via her social media links.
    Instagram: @MarathonGoddess - https://www.instagram.com/marathongoddess/
    Facebook: @MarathonGoddess - https://www.facebook.com/marathongoddess
    Twitter/X: @MarathonGoddess - https://twitter.com/MarathonGoddess
    LinkedIn: Julie Weiss - https://www.linkedin.com/in/julie-weiss-54b5b749/

    Julie’s books are available on Amazon.com and at Barnes & Noble.
    - Autobiography - 52 Weeks, 52 Marathons: The Miles and Trials of a Marathon Goddess
    - Children’s book – We Got This! The Story of the Marathon Goddess

    You can cheer Julie on at her upcoming races, and use her discount code 2024Julie10 for 10% off your entry fee at these (*) events.
    March 16, 2024 – *The LA Big 5K https://www.mccourtfoundation.org/event/la-5k/
    March 17, 2024 - *The Los Angeles Marathon in LA, CA (marathon #117) https://www.mccourtfoundation.org/event/los-angeles-marathon/

    November 16, 2024 – Every Woman’s Marathon in Savannah, GA (marathon #118) https://everywomansmarathon.com/

    To learn more about Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research, please visit: https://pancreatic.org/ .

    Learn more about Deb Carson at www.DebCarson.com .

    You can also reach out via her social media pages:





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    36 mins
  • Episode 1: Let's Do This!
    Feb 9 2024

    Welcome to Powered By Purpose with Deb Carson! In her podcast debut, award-winning sports media personality Deb Carson introduces herself, shares her background, and explains why she was motivated to start this podcast, inspired by those doing good in the world. Deb shares stories of athletes, celebrities and everyday heroes who have inspired her because they’re helping others and creating a ripple effect of positive change.

    She also reminds us that we ALL have that capability…And that life is too short to put off doing, pursuing or trying things that might be meaningful to us.

    Thank you for listening! Please subscribe to Powered By Purpose with Deb Carson so you’ll be the first to know when a new episode drops. Have an amazing day!

    Learn more about Deb Carson at www.DebCarson.com .

    You can also reach out via her social media pages:





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    11 mins
  • Trailer! Powered By Purpose with Deb Carson
    Oct 25 2023

    Powered By Purpose with Deb Carson premieres February 1st. Subscribe now!

    Award-winning sports media personality Deb Carson built her career as a network anchor and host on Fox Sports Radio by breaking news and covering the biggest headlines of the day. But some of her favorite on-air moments were sharing inspiring stories of sports figures who were giving back and helping others.

    These are the stories that inspired her new podcast, Powered By Purpose with Deb Carson. You'll hear from game-changers in sports and entertainment, as well as everyday heroes who are bringing about positive change with their own time, gifts, talents and purpose.

    Carson hopes Powered By Purpose inspires you to start your day with stories that focus on the selfless, positive acts taking place all around us. Cheers to you being inspired and powered by YOUR purpose!

    Connect with Deb on Social Media.

    Website: http://www.debcarson.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialdebcarson/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialDebCarson
    Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/DebCarson

    Learn more about Deb Carson at www.DebCarson.com .

    You can also reach out via her social media pages:





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    1 min