The books and songs discussed in this episode include:
O Sanctissima performed by the Daughters of Saint Paul, 2010
The Battle Hymn of the Republic by Julia Ward Howe, performed by the Canadian Brass
The History of We Shall Overcome uploaded to YouTube by creator Genie Deez, June 15, 2020
I’ll be Alright performed by The Angelic Gospel Singers
I’ll Be Alright Someday performed by Rev. Gary Davis, reissued 1972
Pete Seeger Talks about the History of We Shall Overcome, uploaded to YouTube by folkarchivist, Dec 29, 2010
We Shall Overcome (Live) performed by Pete Seeger, 1963
We Shall Overcome performed by the Freedom Singers, Sing For Freedom Smithsonian Folkways Recordings (1990)
We Shall Overcome (Live) performed by Mahalia Jackson
The Nashville Sit-In Story from Smithsonian Folkways Recordings (1960) We Shall Overcome, Jail Sequence
We Shall Overcome performed by Peter Yarrow, Mary Travers, Paul Stookey, Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, Bernice Reagon, Cordell Reagon, Charles Neblett, Rutha Harris, Pete Seeger, and Theodore Bikel, Newport Folk Festival, July 1963
Blowin’ in the Wind by Bob Dylan, performed by Cliff Richards (1966)
Malcolm X, The Ballot or the Bullet, from Say It Plain, Say It Loud: A Century of Great African American Speeches (original recording King Solomon Baptist Church, Detroit, Michigan - April 12, 1964)
We Gonna Be Alright Crowd Chanting, Black Lives Matter, Downtown Los Angeles July 7, 2016 #AltonSterling #PhilandoCastile
Making Movement Sounds: The Cultural Organizing Behind the Freedom Songs of the Civil Rights Movement by Elizabeth Davis-Cooper (2017)
Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard
Sit In, Stand Up and Sing Out!: Black Gospel Music and the Civil Rights Movement by Michael Castellini (2013) Georgia State University
From Sit-ins to SNCC : The Student Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, edited by Iwan Morgan and Philip Davies. 2014.
Thanks, as always, to Aaron P and Jeffrey Christian for reviewing the episode.