RMC Podcast

Written by: RMC - Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium
  • Summary

  • Følg med i Rytmisk Musikkonservatoriums (RMC) mange aktiviteter gennem denne podcast. Her kan du lytte til alt fra artist talks med store komponister og kunstnere, mixtapes fra ansatte og studerende, nye lydværker skabt i projektuger og radiodokumentarer om vores kunstneriske forskningsprojekter. ENG: Follow RMC's many activities through this podcast. Listen to everything from artist talks with prominent composers and artist, mixtapes from employees and students, new sound works and radio features on our artistic research.
    RMC Podcast has an agreement with both KODA and IFPI regarding musical content in this podcast
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  • Musik i psykiatrien med Det Åbne Ensemble
    Jan 29 2025

    I RMC Podcast fortæller musikerne og komponisterne Johan Wieth og Thomas Mulcahy Alexandersen om at sætte deres talent i spil på nye måder, for at gøre en forskel.

    Det Åbne Ensemble laver improvisationsworkshops for brugere af psykiatrien. Det er er projekt skabt af de to musikere og komponister Johan Wieth (Iceage) og Thomas Mulcahy Alexandersen (Uden Ord, kingtommi) og er et eksempel på begrebet ”det brede kunstnerskab” – altså at fx musikere anvender deres kunstneriske faglighed uden for musikkens traditionelle arenaer og bidrager til at løse samfundets udfordringer.

    Det Åbne Ensemble blev til i det obligatoriske praktikforløb (kaldet EKIP) på bacheloruddannelsen på RMC, og er siden blevet modnet i det kreative iværksætterfællesskab SOUND, der også har hjemme på konservatoriet.

    Det fortæller Johan og Thomas meget mere om i dette afsnit af RMC Podcast, hvor vi også har besøg af Birgit Bundesen. Hun er psykiater, overlæge samt stifter af Nationalt Center for Kunst og Mental Sundhed, og hun deler erfaringer med at integrere kunstnere og deres faglighed i behandlingstilbuddene for psykiatriske brugere – et felt hun både forsker i og arbejder med til daglig.

    Gæster: Birgit Bundesen, Johan Wieth og Thomas Mulcahy Alexandersen Vært/tilrettelæggelse/produktion: Jan Høgh Stricker

    Anbefalede links

    Besøg Nationalt Center for Kunst og Mental Sundhed på ckms.dk

    SOUND er et kreativt community for musikere og kunstneriske iværksættere, der med inspiration fra universiteternes startup-miljøer understøtter nye innovative idéer og projekter; se mere på soundsound.dk

    EKIP er et praktiksemester for RMC-studerende, der udvider forståelsen af, hvad et kunstnerskab er, for at give svar på, hvordan kunstnerisk uddannelse kan bidrage til at løse samfundets udfordringer; se mere på rmc.dk/ekip

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    44 mins
  • Mixtape: Vita Dosa’s New Year, New Me
    Jan 14 2025

    Pause, reflect and reset for the year ahead with electronic artist and producer Sandra Vitayarat. As the year turns, Sandra Vitayarat aka the artist and producer Vita Dosa reflects on the past while embracing what lies ahead with her mixtape ‘New Year, New Me’ for RMC Podcast. The carefully curated collection reflects Sandra’s exploration of identity through sound. She believes that we all express who we are through our taste – whether in clothing, music, political views, art, or work – are that she expresses a part of her own identity through this mixtape, where Sandra shares bits of her own music and also shines a light on sounds and ideas she hopes to better understand and connect with in the future. After a whirlwind December, Sandra initiates the mix with a moment of calm, inviting listeners to pause, reflect, and reset for the year ahead. The intros by Sandra throughout the mixtape are in Danish.

    Tracklist Vita Dosa - December Kid instrumental (underlying sound) Vita Dosa og Sylvester Struckmann - Hoiphase demo El-P - The Overly Dramatic Truth SUGAR - Born by Freedom (Blood & Ice remix) Vita Dosa, SUGAR - Interlude noise (underlying sound) Fennesz - Rivers of Sand Flutek - Pumpaction Ryuichi Sakamoto - Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence Vita Dosa - Sweet Mama Toechter - Charms Vita Dosa - IMMA Instrumental (underlying sound) Vita Dosa - Blood & Ice

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    39 mins
  • Mixtape: Alternative Christmas mix with Nausia
    Dec 17 2024

    The friends Isak Schiødt & Laurits Schmidt Eriksen, who make up 2/5 of the rock/jazz band Nausia, play music in this mixtape that has inspired them and their band.

    Isak & Laurits are new to creating talk-style music podcasts, but they feel this RMC mixtape episode turned out well, featuring what they consider to be only great music, covering a diverse range of genres, eras, and expressions. A subtle Christmas feeling emerges along the way, making this the perfect soundtrack for the cold, cozy times ahead.

    The intros by Isak & Laurits throughout the mixtape are in Danish

    Tracklist: Kim Gordon - Don’t Play It Twice As Much, Vashti Bunyan - Coldest Night Of The Year Michaela Turcerová - in flux ä Uncivilized, Jamie Branch - Twin Peaks Theme - Outro Lil Yachty - Never Switch Up Konkrete Beats - Sakara Instrumental Ensemble Dylan Moon - 7 Song Baujillaud - A Vision of a Dragon’s Head Sun Ra - Fate in a Pleasant Mood Paul Motion & the Electric Bebop Band - Oska T Yo La Tengo - Aselestine Dry Cleaning - Unsmart Lady Meredith Monk - Travellers 4 / Churchyard Entertainment Caroline - IWR Low - Just Like Christmas

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    1 hr and 5 mins

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