Rochester Business Connections #146 with Kelan & Brittany Kline.Full notes at: Watch the full episode on Youtube: this episode, you will learn about:[01:19] Introducing today’s guests, Kelan and Brittany Kline[02:20] The Savvy Couple:[02:44] The Savvy Mama:[04:42] How Kelan and Brittany met[07:31] Kelan’s experience with depression[10:54] What prompted them to start the blog[13:14] Why Kelan decided to quit his 9-5 job after earning only $50 from the blog[16:58] The red flags to watch out for when looking for online money-making opportunities[18:20] Where were they learning from?[21:10] Their first income-generating gigs[23:13] Where should you begin if you have a 9-5 job and are trying to make money online?[25:26] Finding the balance between your passion and the market demand[26:45] How they deal with negative feedback[28:12] Creative ways to make money[30:24] Is MLM a good business model?[34:47] How do you determine whether to continue moving forward or to try something different?[37:50] How affiliate marketing works[40:10] Tips on how to get your articles to rank on Google[42:05] The origin of their frugality and why they stopped being frugal[47:21] Client success stories[47:59] Marriage and Money Boot Camp Workbook:[49:35] Join the Savvy Mamas communityWebsite:[49:49] Join The Savvy CoupleWebsite:[52:54] Email: savvyclients@gmail.comKey Takeaways:• One of the biggest red flags to watch out for when looking for online money-making opportunities is the get-rich-quick offers. ~Kelan Kline [16:57]• Always ensure that anything you invest in is proven and that others are finding success with it. ~Kelan Kline [17:32] • When your business starts generating income, allocate a portion of those earnings towards your education. Continuously learn from experts on topics that directly benefit your business. ~Brittany Kline [17:46]• “Every business owner only has a limited amount of time, and it’s very valuable.” ~Kelan Kline [23:46]• When freelancing, focus on something you are passionate about because if you don’t see progress, burnout can quickly set in, leading to a loss of interest. ~Brittany Kline [24:08] • If you are receiving hate, it means you are doing something right. ~Kelan Kline [27:02]• “If you want to make money, solve problems.” ~Kelan Kline [28:36]• 97% of people who join MLMs end up losing money. ~Kelan Kline [31:15]• If you are frugal and in control of your money, you have options and freedom. ~Kelan Kline [42:37]• “There is freedom in budgeting.” ~Kelan Kline [42:46]People Mentioned and Other Resources:1. The Rise and Fall of LuLaRoe2. How a 32-Year-Old Couple Makes $100K Per Month In Semi-Passive Income: How a 32-Year-Old Couple Makes $100K Per Month In Semi-Passive Income: In Touch with Kelan and Brittany Kline:Website: Instagram:—This feed is JUST ROCHESTER BUSINESS CONNECTIONS EPISODES.