• Learning How to Achieve Emotional Co-regulation with Your Child and What to do When You Mess Up, with Celestyna Wild
    Oct 4 2023

    Hello and welcome back to Rad Mom Radio!

    This week my guest is Celestyna Brozek Wild. Celestyna is a parent couch who combines multiple neuroscientific and metaphysical modalities into a hybrid therapeutic coaching approach called Deep Change Work. 

    Deep Change Work identifies unconscious unhelpful patterns in how we perceive ourselves, others, and the world, and updates them in a deep way, not just neo-cortically, but in the lower brain, the body, and the nervous system as well, so the change is accepted by and integrated into the whole system.

    Deep Change Work centers and celebrates human complexity and wholeness. This work also brings attention to where modern life is fricative with indigenous and sociobiological aspects of our humanity. Celestyna works with all individuals, but especially loves supporting parents, relationships, and midlife transitions.

    In addition to her practice, Celestyna publishes the ARCHETYPOS zine and produces podcasts, including her own podcast, The Surf and Stars Social Club Podcast, where you can listen to live client coaching to get an intimate feel for how she works. Lastly, Celestyna supports families through community events she hosts locally around Denver, CO. To learn more about her work and sign up to receive emails, please visit celestynawild.com

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Managing the Mental Load of Motherhood and Raising Neurodivergent Children, with Amy Schamberg
    Sep 29 2023

    Hello and welcome back to Rad Mom Radio!

    This week my guest is Amy Schamberg. Amy is a mental health and holistic wellness expert with more than 13 years of experience. She is the owner of Amy Schamberg Wellness as well as a Licensed School Psychologist, Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Trainer and Speaker. She is passionate about helping high-achieving professional women beat burnout, redefine self-care, and get time back for themselves- without the guilt. 

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    51 mins
  • Celebrating Sensory Differences Through Children's Literature, with Lindsey Rowe Parker
    Sep 27 2023

    Hello and welcome to another episode of Rad Mom Radio!

    This week my guest is Lindsey Rowe Parker. Lindsey is the author of the award-winning book about sensory differences, Wiggles, Stomps and Squeezes Calm My Jitters Down. A mom with a home full of neurodivergent minds, she is embracing the next phase of parenting while learning to navigate and advocate for her autistic daughter.  With a recent adult diagnosis of ADHD, and a new deeper understanding of her own sensory experiences, she has begun to delve into the neurodiversity community learning all she can from neurodivergent voices.
    Lindsey is also the creator of the #SensoryStories campaign that brings together authors, illustrators, educators, and advocates to raise awareness of sensory differences during Sensory Awareness Month this October. The aim is to increase mainstream understanding of the importance of sensory integration and processing.

    You can learn all about Lindsey and her work on her website - www.wigglesstompsandsqueezes.com

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    50 mins
  • Autism Diagnosis in Adulthood; Learning How to Love Your Amazingly-Autistic Self, with Danielle Sullivan
    Sep 20 2023

    Danielle Sullivan (she/they) is an autistic neurodiversity advocate, parent coach, certified life coach, and host of the Neurodiverging Podcast. Her mission is to further disability awareness and social justice efforts to improve all of our lives as part of the larger world community. 

    She offers parent and life coaching services, peer support groups, webinars on neurodiversity-related topics, and a self-paced emotional intelligence course for autistic adults. Learn more at http://neurodiverging.com today. 

    Questions, comments, suggestions? Email us at contact@neurodiverging.com

    Social links:

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/neurodiverging

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/neurodiverging

    Medium: https://medium.com/@neurodiverging

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSrb_gDRHmg5ow9AJasuf0g

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielleatneurodiverging/

    Cloverleaf: https://app.cloverleaf.me/p/990350-danielle-sullivan

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/neurodiverging

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    54 mins
  • How to Help Your Child Regulate Their Nervous System Through Nature Play, with Jena Ponti Jauchius
    Sep 13 2023

    Hello and welcome to another episode of Rad Mom Radio!

    This week my guest is Jena Ponti Jauchius - Jena is a landscape architect and nature play expert who teaches parents, early childhood educators, and others how to create sensory-rich nature-based play and learning spaces for children so they can grow their bodies, minds, and spirits. 

    She's spent her 22+ year career designing children's nature play and learning spaces for children of all abilities and diversities, and specializes in designing supportive environments for children with autism and other neurodiversities.

    Jena speaks nationally and internationally about nature play for children's 7 sensory systems and other topics.

    She's also the mom of incredible twins she affectionately calls the "twin-ado".

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    50 mins
  • How to Have an Open Conversation About Depression, Mental Health, and Suicidal Ideation, with Lisa Sugarman
    Sep 13 2023

    Hello and welcome to another episode of Rad Mom Radio!

    This week my guest is Lisa Sugarman - Lisa is a parenting author, a nationally syndicated columnist, a podcast host, and a survivor of suicide loss, losing her dad Jim at age ten. She’s also a passionate advocate for mental health awareness & suicide prevention and recently became a crisis counselor with The Trevor Project, supporting LGBTQ+ youth in crisis. Lisa writes the syndicated opinion column It Is What It Is and is the author of How To Raise Perfectly Imperfect Kids And Be Ok With It, Untying Parent Anxiety, and LIFE: It Is What It Is, available on Amazon, at Barnes & Noble, and everywhere books are sold. She’s also the co-host of the podcast LIFE Unfiltered on iTunes and on iHeartRadio, and a contributor on Healthline Parenthood, GrownAndFlown, TODAY Parents, Thrive Global, LittleThings, and More Content Now. Lisa lives with her husband and two daughters just north of Boston. Visit her online at www.lisasugarman.com

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    58 mins
  • Navigating Special Needs Parenting and the Importance of Finding Time for Creativity in Motherhood, with Heidi Fiedler
    Sep 6 2023

    Hello and welcome to Rad Mom Radio!

    This week my guest is Heidi Fiedler. Heidi is a writer, editor, and creative coach who helps mothers find ease and joy through small, creative moments. She's currently working on her own book about making space for creativity in motherhood. 

    PDF/newsletter sign up: https://mailchi.mp/helloheidifiedler.com/7-days-of-inspiration

    Mothers Who Make: https://heidifiedler.substack.com/ 

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    59 mins
  • Angelman Syndrome, Parent Advocacy, and the Fight for Inclusivity in the Classroom, with Anastascia Klimek-Cardenas
    Aug 30 2023

    Hello and welcome to another episode of Rad Mom Radio!

    This week my guest is Anastascia, a local wife, mom, and college counselor. Anastascia has two sons, her youngest, Caleb, is a senior in high school and is diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome. In this episode we talked all about Angelman Syndrome, Anastascia's experience as Caleb's parent advocate in the school system, and what an inclusive classroom should be.

    Thank you so much for listening!

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    54 mins