
  • Episode 35: How Do You Define Success?
    Jun 9 2021



    Welcome back to Raise the Praise where we choose to reclaim our joy and thrive in every area of our lives, that's physically, mentally, financially and spiritually, to do all that God is calling us to do. I'm your host, Jennifer Bell. Today’s show is all about the definition of SUCCESS.


    How do you define success? I submit to you that success is comprised of many things. I’m sure you’ve heard of some of these. No matter how you define success, as long as you can look yourself in the mirror and say TODAY was a good Day!...That, my friend is SUCCESS! 


    If this episode inspired you, please subscribe and leave a review. I’m always looking to improve and I’d love your feedback!







    • Website: https://raisethepraisepodcast.com
    • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jbell2007
    • Facebook Group: https://www.choose2praise.com


    June 9, 2021 

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    9 mins
  • Episode 34: Courage To Heal Story with Bernadette Jackson
    Jun 2 2021



    Welcome back to Raise the Praise where we choose to reclaim our joy and thrive in every area of our lives, that's physically, mentally, financially and spiritually, to do all that God is calling us to do. I'm your host, Jennifer Bell.  I am so excited to have my sister-friend Bernadette Jackson on the show today. 


    Bernadette Jackson is a woman of faith, a mom, a fatherless daughter and a transparent truth teller. As a Relationship Engagement Strategist and your favorite Fear Investigator, she creates safe spaces for fatherless daughters to learn, grow and heal. Her safe spaces include the Bernadette Jackson Podcast where she is redefining how the world views women with daddy issues; H.E.R Coalition, her private FB community and H.E.R Way Relationship Intensive, her private coaching program. In that program, Bernadette teaches clients everything she wished she knew about attracting and maintaining amazing relationships as a fatherless daughter. This program is near and dear to Bernadette's heart as she openly shares how her own fear of abandonment cycle kept her in undesirable relationships for more than a decade and what she did to stop attracting them. 


    Listen in as my sister Bernadette shares her Courage2Heal story.


    If this episode inspired you, please subscribe and leave a review. I’m always looking to improve and I’d love your feedback!





    • Website: https://raisethepraisepodcast.com
    • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jbell2007
    • Facebook Group: https://www.choose2praise.com
    • Courage2heal Circle Waitlist: jenniferbell.biz




    • To learn more about Bernadette's story and how she can help, visit her website at bernadettejackson.com or follow her on IG @bernadettenjackson.


    JUNE 2, 2021 

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    44 mins
  • Episode 33 Surrendered Heart
    May 26 2021

    When you focus on  God with a surrendered heart, you enter into what Marshawn Daniels calls a "faith adventure with God".

    How do you surrender to God?

    • Realize you're human and you don't have all the control, no matter how awesome and capable you are
    • Take a deep breath. Admit that you don't have to have all the answers, all the time
    • Pray

    A surrendered heart to God is a heart in alignment with His will and direction for our lives.


    If this episode inspired you, please subscribe and leave a review. I’m always looking to improve and I’d love your feedback!





    • Website: https://raisethepraisepodcast.com
    • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jbell2007
    • Facebook Group: https://www.choose2praise.com
    • Courage2heal Circle Waitlist: jenniferbell.biz


    MAY 26, 2021 


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    8 mins
  • Freedom Series: Courage2Heal with Chinitha Johnson
    May 19 2021

    Chinitha Johnson helps women struggling with low self-esteem and confidence as a result of childhood abuse, to kickstart going from inferior to empowered, by giving them the K.E.Y.S that opens the door that begins the healing of "little me."

    Listen in as my sister Chinitha shares her story in this Courage2Heal Interview.


    If this episode inspired you, please subscribe and leave a review. I’m always looking to improve and I’d love your feedback!





    • Website: https://raisethepraisepodcast.com
    • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jbell2007
    • Facebook Group: https://www.choose2praise.com
    • Courage2heal Circle Waitlist: jenniferbell.biz



    • https://www.chinithajohnson.com
    • IG: @chinithajohnson
    • Influence Yourself 1st Podcast 
    • FB & YouTube: Chinitha Johnson



    MAY 19, 2021 

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    35 mins
  • While You're Waiting
    May 12 2021

    You know, the Bible says they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall Mount up with wings as Eagles Eagles, right. They should run and not get weary. They shall walk and not faint. So let's talk about waiting. 


    What are you doing while you're waiting? Are you continuing to pray? Are you worshiping God? Are you researching? Are you writing? And you're waiting for that thing that you're, you're waiting on God to, to manifest in your life, but we have to continue to wait. Wait does not mean it's not going to come to pass. 

    If this episode inspired you, please subscribe and leave a review. I’m always looking to improve and I’d love your feedback!





    • Website: https://raisethepraisepodcast.com
    • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jbell2007
    • Facebook Group: https://www.choose2praise.com
    • Courage2heal Circle Waitlist: jenniferbell.biz




    MAY 12, 2021 


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    11 mins
  • Episode 30 Courage2Heal Interview with Chulu Chansa
    May 5 2021
    Welcome back to Raise the Praise where we choose to reclaim our joy and thrive in every area of our lives, that's physically, mentally, financially and spiritually, to do all that God is calling us to do. I'm your host, Jennifer Bell.  I am so excited to have my sister friend Chulu Chansa, Founder of Africana Woman on the show today.    Chulu is a writer of modern African culture & lifestyle, the host of the Africana Woman podcast, a transformational speaker and mentor. She currently resides in Zambia, is the proud mother of a teenage boy and is at peace. For many years Chulu experienced success in her career, however fell short in her personal life. Eventually she managed to transform her lifestyle and lives by the principle, K.N.O.W. your Roots, Grow your Purpose where KNOW stands for Knowledge, Nourishment, Operate in Obedience, and Weakness. As a result, Chulu is on a mission to ensure African women succeed both in work and their personal life.  Listen in as my sister Chulu shares her story in this Courage2Heal Interview.   If this episode inspired you, please subscribe and leave a review. I’m always looking to improve and I’d love your feedback!     SHOWNOTES:   2:04   We've been featuring courage to heal stories recently, and I just had to have you share your story. And as we have our conversations today, I just know that you will be blessed and inspired and encouraged to heal as you hear her story. So let's just dive right into it to Chulu and talk about culture, and a little bit about health and wellness and how we blend the two. So my first question to you is, how would you say your culture has affected your overall wellness?   2:49   I think, you know, there's so many beautiful things about our culture. And I'm African, I'm from Zambia, beautiful country of Zambia, we call it the real Africa. And, you know, there's so many things from our food, our clothes, our music, all of those wonderful things. But then there's also I'd say, like an underbelly of, of things that are not necessarily talked about. And, you know, we like to refer to them as Oh, that's just the way culture is.    Now. I think one of the things that's also unique about my country in particular is that we are a Christian nation, like it's actually in our Constitution. So Christianity is something that is also very, very deeply interlinked in our  lives, right. So, you know, I think when it comes to myself, and my story, I think one of the things that really did affect me was the first thing was having a child out of wedlock, and having a child very young. I had my son when I was my senior year of college, and you know, just the shame and the, you know, the shame and the embarrassment.   9:14   So you know, they held a knife to my neck, they kicked me, they punched me in the stomach. It was a very violent experience. And at the time, I was just thinking, I really just gave it to God, because I just looked up and I was looking up at the sky, I didn't even want to look at them.    And what actually happened was the three original men that had stolen the money, like stolen my bag, they came walking back, because they know, they just threw me on the middle of the road. So they came walking back. And they saw that and they did nothing. They just dropped the bag and walked away. And I remember thinking, how does someone?    I can honestly say that therapy saved my life.   19:43   I had the job, I had a car, I had the house, like, I was okay, but then I'm trying to tell people that there's something wrong, this is not enough. I'm not okay, I'm not satisfied, I'm not fulfilled, I'm not happy, and people just didn't understand. They felt like, you know, when they're looking at the job that I had, it's one of those jobs, you know, here we say, it's kind of like, you know, you've arrived, you know, and you get a certain job, you've just arrived, and you can put your legs up and you like, everything is just jazz. But I'm just like, if this is what you guys call life, then it's not enough. And it just, it was blowing my mind.   26:14   So I actually experienced, I guess, all ranges of depression, because then I found myself depressed, and I was sitting, I wasn't sitting, I was lying in bed for three days straight. didn't eat didn't do anything, just lying, just crying there. And I think I got to the third day. And Funny enough, I wasn't, I wasn't really somebody who listened to podcasts at the time. But something told me to listen to a podcast. So I started going through the app, and then searching and I happened upon redefining wealth by Patrice Washington. And K.N.O.W. is an acronym for knowledge, k knowledge, and nourish, oh, operates in obedience, W weakness.    If this episode inspired you, please subscribe and leave a review. I’m always looking to improve and I’d love your feedback!   WAYS TO CONNECT WITH ME… Website: https://raisethepraisepodcast.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/...
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    47 mins
  • Episode 29: Freedom Series: Courage2Heal Interview with Evelyn Levasseur
    Apr 28 2021


    Welcome back to Raise the Praise where we choose to reclaim our joy and thrive in every area of our lives, that's physically, mentally, financially and spiritually, to do all that God is calling us to do. I'm your host, Jennifer Bell.  I am so excited to have my sister friend Evelyn Levasseur on the show today!

    Evelyn is the owner of Evelyn LeVasseur Fitness, a company that focuses on helping busy, overwhelmed moms reach their body goals without dieting or deprivation. Evelyn knows that moms can be especially hard on themselves and expect perfection, in our homes, jobs, marriages, and of course with our bodies. 

    Listen in as my sister Evelyn shares her story in this Courage2Heal Interview.

    If this episode inspired you, please subscribe and leave a review. I’m always looking to improve and I’d love your feedback!



    * When we think about health, we think about food and exercise and what our body looks like. And really, it is truly starting from the inside out. And seeing how the way you feel about yourself impacts not only your body and your mind, what everybody around you and the energy you bring, and the energy you attract, you start to see that your life as a whole is a representation of what you're feeling to begin with. And that's huge. (3:28) 

    * First of all, my very first step had to be detaching my value from my appearance. And that was hard work because I had to, I had to literally let go of all, all those years of being told that I was beautiful that I was this, that I was that and then finally accepting that of all the things that I am a mother, a wife, a sister, a friend, have the impact that I want to have on this world, my body is the least relevant part of me. And on top of it, you know, I remember sitting and thinking to myself, Evelyn, you are literally living the life that you prayed for, you are living the life that you prayed for. And that's what I realized that I had been living in gratitude, yes, grateful for my husband, we have an excellent relationship. We've been friends, since we were little kids. I have two healthy, strong, very empathetic daughters, that are feisty, too. Don't get me wrong. I have a home that I love in a job that I love. I was grateful for all of it. But I wasn't grateful for me. (20:06)

    * First, I think acceptance comes before love. I do. You know, people feel guilty because they say they feel like they should just love themselves, which Yes, I believe you should love yourself. But if you spent your whole life being told that you weren't enough, that doesn't just happen naturally. You know? You have to, just like when you get to know somebody else, you accept them first for who they are. I think there's levels to falling in love with yourself. And it starts with accepting yourself for who you are. (39:09)



    • Website: https://raisethepraisepodcast.com
    • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jbell2007
    • Facebook Group: https://www.choose2praise.com
    • Courage2heal Circle Waitlist: jenniferbell.biz



    • IG: @evelyn_levasseur_fitness
    • FB: Evelyn LeVasseur Fitness
    • website: www.evelynfit.com
    • webinar link: www.evelynfit.com/breakup 



    APRIL 28, 2021

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    44 mins
  • Episode 28 Courage to Heal Story with Tiffany More
    Apr 21 2021


    Welcome back to raise the praise where we choose to reclaim our joy and thrive in every area of our lives, physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually, to do all that God is calling us to do. 

    I am so excited today to have my special guest Tiffany Moore on the podcast. It brings me great pleasure for you all to hear her story. She recently released her new book, 'Better Together Playbook' which is a resource to help you cultivate your relationship with God, yourself, and your partner. She is a transformational speaker and a certified Christian life coach. I met Tiffany through Patricia's Washingtons program. 

    For the next few episodes, I've invited a few of my friends, to share their courage to heal stories, because I believe we must break our silence, come from behind our ashes and live in our true beauty. Let’s let our sisters know, you’re not alone. My prayer is that you, my dear sister, will have the courage to heal and walk in freedom.

    Listen in as Tiffany shares her story in this Courage2Heal Interview.



    (1:51) How Tiffany met her husband during college as she worked at the school cafeteria. “This guy walked through the door with a green shirt, pair of blue jeans, and ugly Brown shoes. He was thin and very tall!” 

    (4:31) “I stepped out in marriage, It was me. During that time, it was real hard for us, because I broke his heart.”

    Reconciliation: But when he came back, he told me, he said, Tiffany, he said, I love you. He said, and God told me, I can't leave. Because you need me. 

    (7:56) “No matter how we mess up on what we do, God is always there to be there. And forgive us!

    (8:58) Having a Christ-centered marriage showed us what we needed to eliminate anything that will get in the way of that. And that includes some friendships and relationships.

    (24:37) What it means to me is to be able to own your mistakes. Take responsibility for your part, and have enough courage to admit that, and have the courage to receive the healing and the forgiveness from the pain.



    • Website: https://raisethepraisepodcast.com
    • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jbell2007
    • Facebook Group: https://www.choose2praise.com
    • Courage2heal Circle Waitlist: jenniferbell.biz



    • Website: https://bit.ly/3x9Bgdn


    Show more Show less
    27 mins