On this episode of The Do Epic Shit Today Podcast I chat with Manika, an inspiring human who has set out with the goal of accomplishing a 155 Mile Ultra Marathon Grand Slam. These four races take place all over the world; Namibia, Mongolia, the Atacama Desert in Chile and Antarctica. Currently Manika is half way through with her goal, as she’s completed two (Namibia & Mongolia) out of the four.
Manika and I chat about what she’s looking forward to in her next race and her reasons behind setting such a massive goal and all of the logistics required for just her next race alone - like mandatory gear, the actual journey itself to get to get to her race destination and so much more!
In addition, Manika recently transitioned from living the “comfortable” apartment life, to life on the road. She and I discussed and recorded the podcast whilst she sat with the most amazing background - just her radiating positive energy, basking in nature and living life to the fullest.
Instagram: manikaruns
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