In this lively conversation with Rebbetzin Tehilla Birnbaum, we talk about the Torah approach to physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. We learn to understand WHY it is so important for us to care for ourselves in these realms, since they all affect each other.
The age old question is...'Am I a body, or am I a soul?' The answer is both. The body is a vessel that contains our soul. Since our body is a vessel that contains our soul, we need to take the best care of it possible. We need to incorporate physical activity into our lives. We need to sleep properly, make sure that we have good physical hygiene (like bathing daily and brushing our teeth at least twice a day), we need to take the time to get dressed properly so that we are put together. We use our physical being to elevate ourselves spiritually.
Our thoughts and emotions also play a large role in the way we perceive the world and elevate ourselves. When we are able to look at a situation in a positive light and show gratitude for the blessings, and also the challenges, in our lives, we elevate ourselves emotionally and mentally. Focusing on the positive in people, situations, and circumstances promotes clarity of the mind. When our mind is clear, we can make good decisions.
We can keep ourselves spiritually healthy through prayer. It could be through traditional written prayer like you find in a siddur (prayer book) or Tehillim (psalms), or it could be through having a conversation with G-d in your own words (hitbodedut.) By speaking with G-d in your own language throughout the day, our soul is in constant connection with Him. We begin to feel calm and protected.
To be connected to Rebbetzin Tehilla Birnbaum, please email Vera Kessler, host of America's Top Rebbetzins at: