
  • How To: Overcome Uncertainty
    Nov 18 2021

    It’s no secret that uncomfortability and uncertain times in life sometimes leads to stress-induced disordered thinking. This is completely normal. The brain is a sensitive muscle, and when we become overly stressed, the brain naturally goes into survival mode to protect us from further stress. What I mean by this is that our brains are naturally wired to keep us safe, and in order to do that, it usually goes into thinking all the negative “what ifs'' and creates all kinds of untrue stories about what could potentially happen, like I said, to keep us safe. This is beneficial in certain life-threatening situations, but in most stressful situations, it only adds fuel to the fire. While it’s challenging at first to dismantle the catastrophizing emotions and mindset all at once, the more we practice emotionally regulating ourselves, and being in the present moment with great intention, we get to experience a calm mind even in the depths of an emotionally trying situation. 

    As we dive deeper into this topic today, we learn the tools that can empower us to make a positive change in our lives, especially when dealing with uncertainty. 

    Disclaimer: I am not a therapist or mental health professional, this is my opinion and not based on facts. I am not saying you should feel differently about your potential trauma or negative life experiences. I am simply sharing my personal experience dealing with seemingly negative life experiences and how I healed and am still healing myself from that. My goal is to always empower others to navigate through life with ease and confidence in themselves and their true power. 

    Thank you for listening, I love you all.


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    14 mins
  • Heart-Centered Affirmations
    Jun 30 2021

    As we’ve talked about in previous episodes, we’re spiritual beings living a human experience, and while life is tricky to navigate at times, struggle is never required, especially for success. Since success has different meanings for different people, whatever it means to you is perfect. To me, success means that I've become the best version of myself, fully embodied unconditional self love, created financial independence, and honestly being deeply in love with every aspect of my life. In order to make this happen, I show up authentically, commit to growth every day, and do the things that are in alignment with elevating myself. Positive self talk is also a key component in having a growth mindset, and who doesn’t want that, right? Thanks for joining me, have a great day! 

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    7 mins
  • Create Opportunity with Intention
    Jun 25 2021

    A big step in becoming more present, being grounded, overcoming intrusive thoughts, and creating overall more joy in my life- was consistently being intentional with my thoughts, my words, and my actions. I really believe there are many distractions and unnecessary energy that can affect us unconsciously, but staying intentional and conscious of how you’re feeling, while doing the things that align with elevating your energy. In our modern society it’s almost too easy to become immersed in the current happenings of life and the world, and we forget that the present moment is where we will find joy and contentment. When we are in our heads, obsessing over the past, obsessing about the future, or overthinking any situation, it causes disarray in our energy.  What matters is your ability to bounce back and being intentional and conscious throughout your days, months, and overall journey. Our energy is powerful. You deserve to see the opportunities all around you. You deserve to live a life full of happiness because that's what you decide. You are a major part of this wonderful world, that wouldn’t be the same without you in it. You are treasured. You are loved. You are supported no matter what. Thanks for listening! 

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    7 mins
  • Creating Happiness
    Jun 15 2021

    While there is no perfect recipe for happiness, there are so many ways to incorporate joyful activities in your life, even when life itself doesn’t feel that great. A big part of creating my own happiness was doing the things that I knew deep down would make me feel good, even if I really didn't want to. While it may seem easier to not actually do the work  to make a change in your mood or in your life, it’s easier to do it now vs later when your brain is even more hardwired to stay comfortable. The most life changing moments were when I pushed feeling comfortable away and I made an intentional choice to better myself regardless of discomfort. And honestly, it’s only uncomfortable in the beginning, after a while, bettering yourself becomes second nature and I started realizing how i’d been the only one holding myself back, which was so freeing to understand and be able to change that aspect of my life. You deserve to be happy. You're incredible, beautiful and deserving of everything you desire and I'm honored to have you here with me. Thanks for listening, I love you. 

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    7 mins
  • Heal yourself with Inner Dialogue
    Apr 25 2021

     I want to be the voice for myself that I need to hear the most. I firmly believe that the words we speak are incredibly powerful, especially what we say to ourselves. I used to struggle with chronic, uncontrollable negative self talk. Trying to stop the thoughts or ignore them simply didn't work for me. However, thanking myself from a place of deep honor and love is a great self soothing technique and also helps elevate your energy into a place of gratitude.  This is great for when you're in any kind of mood, but if you want to expand your gratitude game, it's imperative you start by being thankful for your own self and all that you do. You are so worth it. You are a magnificent, incredible human and I'm honored to have you here with me. Thanks for listening, I love you. 

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    10 mins
  • You are where you're meant to be.
    Apr 3 2021

    Happy Saturday! Here's the thing, sometimes when things get stressful, we tend to move into a resistant energy. While that's normal in our society, it's time to allow yourself peace of mind and make peace with the current situation, whatever it may be. On today's episode, we talk about overcoming the overthinking and some ways to help retrain the mind in stressful times. Creating new beliefs and habits is much easier than you might think. 

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    6 mins