Guest: Shahrose Aratia, MScOT
- Co-Founder of OTECH Canada
- Clinical Specialist, Cala Health
- Rehab Tech Summit Keynote Speaker
- Connect with Shahrose on LinkedIn
Topics we Uncorked:
- Rehab Tech Summit (February 19-21, 2021)
- Don’t miss out on this virtual summit!
- Check out the impressive list of speakers, including inventors, executives, clinicians working in the rehab tech industry, and more!
- In addition to attending the value-packed sessions, you’ll have a chance to connect with companies in the rehab tech space
- You can buy your ticket online now! Don’t forget to use the promo code RTSFRIENDS at checkout
- Follow RTS on Instagram @RehabTechSummit and Facebook #rehabtechsummit
- Entering the health tech space as an occupational therapist
- Job opportunities for clinicians in industry
- Tips for getting your foot in the door at a tech company if you have a clinical background
- Marketing your clinical skills in non-clinical settings
Wine we Uncorked:
- The Seeker Pinot Noir
- France
- My take:
- Pros: developed profile, fruit forward, not too acidic, perfect wine for a nice meal
- Cons: When you and your friends finish a bottle, you’ll be wishing you had a second!
Book Recommendation:
- The Defining Decade:Why Your Twenties Matter--And How to Make the Most of Them Now by Dr. Meg Jay
More from OT Uncorked:
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