To be human is to be in relationships. Ugh. Red flag hoisted! We can’t survive without them but at the same time, it’s in our relationships that we can so easily get unraveled. This is the stuff that keeps a guy up at night. How to navigate the sticky wicket of significant others: wives, partners, spouses, along with parents, kids, coworkers, and friendships, is tough going. Dr. Jenny Brown, founder and now retired Executive Director of the Family Systems Institute in Sydney, Australia, joins Bill on this GuyShrink episode to talk about how to bring your best into all of life’s relationships. Speaking through solid experience Jenny will cause you to take a deep look at the ways you present yourself in all the places where you show up. She offers no quick fixes nor 5 easy tips to win, but her words will speak directly to wherever you might be in your life’s journey. Her book Growing Yourself Up is the best guide out there to do just that. We thoroughly enjoyed this interview and know you will, too.