Each and every year I buy a diary and I make a resolution to use it ALL YEAR. This is my year. I say that every year.
And each and every year, I will stop using it, I will even stop thinking about it, before February is though.
Because, let’s face it, resolutions are the worst way to start the year. They only lead to disappointment and “I knew its”.
Why do we even make new year’s resolutions at all, especially when we know we’ll break them? Who the hell started this most delusional of traditions?
According to Gallop, more than 80% of people who make New Year’s resolutions will abandon them by mid-February. And yet we still make them, and are still shocked and disappointed when, not only have we stopped working on them, we actually forget all about them.
Google Maps 2012 New Year's Resolutions Map -
New Yorker - Why we make resolutions and why they fail -
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Sound engineering and original music by Jeff Willis. You can find his tunes on Spotify and iTunes
Produced by Jo Vraca. You can find my books on Amazon