• Revelation 19: The Brightness of His Coming
    Jul 2 2024

    In this episode, we delve into the profound and prophetic visions of Revelation 19, where the Apostle John describes the triumphant return of Christ. A great multitude in heaven praises God for His righteous judgments and the defeat of evil. This chapter highlights the ultimate victory over Babylon, the marriage supper of the Lamb, and the final battle against the forces of darkness.

    Explore the significance of the penultimate events leading to Christ's second coming, the restoration of all things, and the ultimate fulfillment of God's promises. Witness the majestic imagery of Christ on a white horse, leading the heavenly armies, and the fate of the beast and false prophet as they are cast into the lake of fire.

    This episode provides a powerful reminder of the hope and glory that await the faithful, encouraging believers to remain steadfast and vigilant as we await the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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    33 mins
  • Chapter Eighteen: Babylon Rise, Fall, Rise, Destruction!
    Jun 25 2024

    In this episode, we delve into the profound and prophetic messages from Revelation 18, Isaiah, Ezra, and Jeremiah, exploring the downfall and potential resurrection of Babylon. The episode begins with a powerful angelic declaration of Babylon's fall, signifying divine judgment and condemnation. Babylon, once a city of grandeur, becomes a den of evil spirits and unclean entities.

    We trace God's historical judgments and praises, highlighting the pivotal role of Cyrus the Great in fulfilling prophecy and the redemption of Israel. Through various scriptural readings, we understand the significance of Babylon's fall in the context of Israel's history and its eventual reappearance during the Great Tribulation, influencing global social, political, economic, and religious orders.

    The episode emphasizes the importance of obedience to God, the consequences of idolatry, and the need for genuine faith. It also discusses the role of modern religious leaders and the responsibility of the church to minister to the needs of the people. Join us as we explore these timeless truths and their relevance to our present and future.

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    37 mins
  • Foreword
    Jun 22 2024

    Can we study the Bible through the book of Revelation as we embark on An Introduction to Revelation Unveiled; An Untold Story?

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    6 mins
  • Chapter Seventeen: Satanic Seduction, Sorceries, and a Secret
    Jun 18 2024

    In this episode, we delve into the prophetic visions of Revelation 17 and the timeless narratives of Genesis. Witness the unveiling of the "great whore" of Babylon, a symbol of idolatry and corruption, as described by the angel who guided John. This episode also revisits the creation story, the fall of man, and the tale of Cain and Abel, illustrating humanity's descent from paradise to pandemonium.

    Explore the rise of false religious systems, the seduction of nations, and the eventual judgment upon Babylon. Learn about the intertwining destinies of divine and demonic forces, and the ultimate triumph of the Lamb over the beast. Through historical and biblical analysis, we uncover the spiritual significance of Babylon and its impact on the world, both past and present.

    Join us as we reflect on the lessons of faith, obedience, and the eternal struggle between good and evil. This episode provides a profound understanding of biblical prophecy and its relevance to our lives today.

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    36 mins
  • Chapter Sixteen; And The Rains Have Come!
    Jun 11 2024

    In this riveting episode, we delve into the profound and dramatic events described in Revelation Chapter 16. The episode begins with a powerful voice from within the temple, commanding the seven angels to pour out the vials of God's wrath upon the earth. This marks a pivotal moment in the unfolding divine judgment.

    The first vial brings grievous sores upon those who bear the mark of the beast, leading to unbearable agony. The second and third vials turn the seas and rivers into blood, killing all life within them. The fourth vial intensifies the sun's heat, scorching the earth and causing immense suffering, yet men refuse to repent and continue to blaspheme God.

    The fifth vial brings darkness upon the kingdom of the beast, increasing the torment of its inhabitants. The sixth vial dries up the Euphrates River, preparing the way for the kings of the east and the battle of Armageddon. Three unclean spirits, resembling frogs, emerge from the mouths of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet, performing miracles to gather the world's kings for this great battle.

    The seventh and final vial is poured into the air, resulting in a voice from heaven declaring, "It is done." This is followed by voices, thunders, flashes of lightning, and the most massive earthquake ever experienced, causing widespread destruction. Great hailstones, each weighing about 70 pounds, fall upon men, who continue to blaspheme God despite the plagues.

    Throughout the episode, we are reminded of the importance of repentance and the dire consequences of ignoring God's commandments. The episode concludes with a message of hope, emphasizing the need for faith and the promise of salvation for those who call upon the name of the Lord.

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    35 mins
  • Chapter Fifteen; It's Going to Rain!
    Jun 4 2024

    In this riveting episode, we delve into Chapter 15 of the Book of Revelation, where John the Apostle witnesses a grand and terrifying vision in heaven. Seven angels, each bearing the seven last plagues, stand as a testament to God's impending wrath upon the earth.

    The episode explores the profound numerical symbolism that permeates the book, emphasizing God's divine precision as the master mathematician. This symbolism extends from the seven churches of Asia Minor to the seven trumpets, each instance inviting us to seek deeper understanding of the divine mysteries.

    We reflect on the continuous line of communication God has maintained with humanity, from the prophets to His only begotten son, Jesus Christ. The episode warns of the consequences of sin and the impending judgment, urging repentance as the only path to salvation.

    As the seven angels prepare to unleash the final plagues, we are reminded of the days of Noah and the parallels to our current times. The episode concludes with a vivid depiction of the temple filled with the glory of God, emphasizing that divine judgment is imminent and urging us to align ourselves with God's will.

    Join us in this thought-provoking exploration of Revelation 15, where the celestial and the earthly intersect in a powerful message of divine justice and redemption.

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    30 mins
  • Revelation 14; The Proclamation of the Angels:
    May 28 2024

    In this enlightening episode, we explore Revelation Chapter 14, beginning with the vision of the Lamb standing on Mount Zion alongside the 144,000 chosen ones. We revisit the significance of these 144,000 members selected from the 12 tribes of Israel, exploring their purity and spiritual dedication to God.

    We discuss the exclusion of the tribe of Dan and its possible connections to biblical prophecies. The episode also highlights the role of the Lamb, representing Christ, and the symbolism of Mount Zion as God's dwelling place. The 144,000 are depicted as spiritually pure, having a unique relationship with God, and being the first fruits unto Him.

    We further explore the proclamations of three angels: the first announcing the everlasting gospel, the second declaring the fall of Babylon, and the third warning of the consequences of worshipping the beast. The episode concludes with a powerful depiction of the final judgment, emphasizing the importance of maintaining faith and obedience to God.

    Join us as we uncover the profound messages and spiritual insights within Revelation 14, urging believers to seek God and uphold His commandments.

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    36 mins
  • Chapter Thirteen; Six Hundred Three Score and Six
    May 21 2024

    In this engrossing study, delve deep into the cryptic verses of Revelations 13, uncovering their profound meanings and prophetic implications. Experience a powerful vision of a magnificent image, explore its fascinating symbolism, and witness its shocking impact on the world. Understand the prophecy of kingdoms as revealed through the book of Daniel in correlation with the revelations in Revelations 13.

    Embark on a prophetic journey with us that traverses from the revealing dream of Nebuchadnezzar, the inevitable downfall of Babylon, to the vivid imagery of the apocalypse; the dragon, the Antichrist, and the prophet of deceit. Highlighting their audacious agenda to deceive humanity, while imitating the sacred, this episode provides a comprehensive look into the grim figures behind these eminent biblical texts.

    We go beyond mere interpretation, shedding light on the significance of numbers in biblical texts, particularly the formidable '666', and its connection to the Antichrist and humanity's downfall. Witness a compelling comparison of past world events, scrutinizing recognizable patterns that potentially set the stage for the ascent of these dark forces today.

    Amid these stark revelations, discover the precious promise of divine wisdom and peace, gracefully emphasizing the ground of hope and grace for avid truth seekers in these challenging times. This eye-opening exploration of ancient scriptures unveils the trajectory of the world, equipping you with a deeper understanding of biblical prophecy and its undeniable influence on the course of civilization.

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    34 mins