Part 93 of the David Pawson 'Unlocking the Bible' Podcast series
David Pawson believes Revelation is one of the greatest books in the Bible. Without it, the Bible would be incomplete. The Church needs to study it to prepare for what lies ahead. God’s opinion of this book is clear; it is the only one that has a blessing for reading it aloud, and a curse for tampering with it, attached. The Bible is a history book and we are the only people who know how our world is going to end. It helps to remember it was written for ordinary people and should not be twisted by the highly educated. We need to read it with common sense. For instance, if the same word is repeated in the same context it has the same meaning. If people had used this logic, we would not have made some of the blunders we have. Revelation was written for a very practical purpose – to prepare for the difficulties ahead for believers so that we will have ‘patient endurance’. ‘Jesus is coming back – that’s the very centre of our hope for the future.’ There are promises of rewards for those who are victorious. David says, ‘Revelation is written for this very simple purpose – to keep Christians’ names in the Book of Life.