It’s the beginning of the end, or is it the end of the beginning.
It’s April Fool’s Day!
No, it’s …
ROGUE TRANSMISSIONS: April Fool’s Day Edition
Rogue Transmissions is proud to present the following stories:
City on the Edge of Oblivion from Octoberpod
The Origins of April Fool’s Day from Freaky as F#ck
Brew Crime Presents: There’s a Joke in There Somewhere… written and performed by J.T. Hosack
I Think We Figured Out Fishing from Spine Chillers & Serial Killers
Scared to Death from Reverie True Crime Podcast
Clown Prince of Rome from Mission Spooky
Listen if you dare! But listener beware! You’re in for an April Fool’s scare!
Rogue Transmissions is brought to you by Edward of Octoberpod AM on all podcast platforms and Octoberpod Home Video on Youtube, and J.T. of Brew Crime, Active Shooter, and True Crime and Wine Time!