• Having A Very High Standard Or Oath To Judge Righteous Judgment
    Jan 5 2025
    This awesome sermon is very timely in this world of changing government officials and government systems. The book of Psalms and Proverbs along with other books of the Holy Bible, provide great information on both ministry and government leadership. In Proverbs, Lemuel, the son who is believed to be of Bathsheba whose name means "devoted to God" and "belonging to God", was given very great and very wise instructions on how to rule with wisdom before he became a great King. My sermon addresses some of the lessons Bathsheba taught as well as teachings on the different types of government leadership's which do not please God and lead to the destructions of kingdoms. I also discuss information on modern day governments which are the primary forms of leadership today and the need for the Saint's of God to pray and fight for righteous leadership within our government and reasons why. Regardless of the type of leadership we as citizens we must all stand one day before God in the Day of Judgment, and it is imperative that we trust God to lead us and guide us in every situation of life so we can be ready to meet King Jesus when this day approaches, until then we must trust and obey his Holy word to protect us all from wicked hostile leadership in this present world from both seen and all unseen dangers. Suit-up, Saint's of God the appearance of end time gospel is fast approaching. Be ready, be ready for the great need of greater spiritual warfare is near.
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    15 mins
  • "Who Are The Blessed Of God?!"Episode 27 - Royal Queen Cora Lee Hairston
    Dec 1 2024
    "The Blessed of God" are those whom God predestinated before the world was formed, Eph. 1:5, those who embody many of his holy attributes. These are the ones he identifies and chooses because he sees something of himself in them. King Jesus addresses this subject in Matt. 5 when he was teaching on the "Beatitudes", King Jesus was talking regarding the many attributes he brought to us from his Father in heaven, and we must all also desire and possess God's likeness through his only Son.

    Paul in his teachings of Christ expresses great joy in coming to his disciples to impart to them all the heavenly virtues and excellencies he received from King Jesus upon his conversion and after he spent much time alone with Christ. He comes to them to bestow upon them what they need to be able to endure great test and trials to bring them into the fullness of these blessings leading them to spiritual maturity in Christ and the unity of faith where
    one day they will receive great rewards equal to the test or trial which they endured.

    Until we all come into this unity of faith we must constantly examine ourselves so that we are not without knowledge of the gospel, not offended to be named one of Christ servants, and not ashamed of the gospel
    but full of knowledge, wisdom, joy and gladness in serving the LORD in truth. We can receive these great blessings and rewards mentioned in Rev. 5:12 when we know the Lamb of God in the fellowship of his sufferings Phil. 3:10. We are the blessed of God because we are forgiven, we hunger and thirst after righteousness, we avoid wickedness and so much more.

    Saint's of God I know that you will be blessed as you listen to this awesome sermon and allow the richness of the message to touch your heart and soul to stir you to victory and not defeat as you reach spiritual maturity in Christ serving God through his only Son, King Jesus. Praise God, keep fighting with the weapons of our warfare and the whole armour of God on and you will receive the victory as we all fight together united in faith over all God's enemies.
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    12 mins
  • Americas Fragmentation: "Is Nothing More Than A Man Made Crisis" Episode 26 - Royal Queen Cora Lee Hairston
    Nov 4 2024
    A "breach in the spirit" is caused by an evil wicked tongue, James 3:6, and this is exactly what America's Fragmentation is all about, too many people speaking with an evil tongue causing the heart and soul of this country to be devastated by hurtful words which destroy the fabric of our nation.

    The good news is that King Jesus died for this world's sinful condition and speaks words of life into the wounded soul of a nation of people gone so wrong.

    We need our leaders to express the love of God toward this country's wounded spirit from all the hatred and much to do about the former 2020 election and the present presidential election for 2025.

    Leaders who will lead us out of the shroud of darkness looming over our country and work together to fix the national and international problems with much wisdom and less hate from treason and tyranny, the unrestrained exercise of power by those who take too much pleasure in breaking the law than upholding the law. This type of action is what has caused a breach in the heart and soul of our nation, God is opposed to these cruel actions.

    A man made a crisis of justice at our door steps and from a front row seat on the couch in front of the television, awful, just awful, people.

    And let us work together as citizens to prevent the wide spread of Covid-19 out of our lives by being responsible in our actions toward one another and put it in the past once and for all. Clean up your personal lives in your intimate relationships and be more responsible demonstrating that you care for your neighbors, family, friends, co- workers and employees.

    Take control of your devilish tongue and whip it into shape using the written word of God, to help heal the breaches of the heart and soul of this country, to
    turn things around. Read James 3:6 and learn more about this deadly sin, learn not to mock at sin but become less of a sinner yourself, help to advance equality and justice for all, even among those you don't know too well, but they are US citizens.

    Get rid of the desire to sin through a hidden agenda and white collar crimes in both the corporate world and the government sector. Men are true men when they live in the image of God's attributes, he is our creator and example how to live on this earth and he will teach you how to respect women who are more your equal than you care to believe both in business and in government. But we are far more ethical as proven by the statistical data provided with my sermon, "Praise God!" Let us help to heal one another and do away with so much gender disparity. Therefore closing the gap between careers and the salary capping.
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    15 mins
  • The Justification Of Anger: Having Righteous Indignation
    Oct 6 2024
    When anger in a person is present, don't let anger dominate your life, learn how to defuse anger by using the written Word of God, and some simple suggestions to keep the situation from becoming sinful when it results in violence.

    Anger is born of malice, envy, jealousy and of the devil but righteous indignation is not sinful because it recognizes that a wrong or injustice has been committed by an offensive act of some kind against another person and seeks a righteous solution.

    We are taught in God's word not to sin when we are angry but to use prayer, and through grace and mercy we can overcome anger just because our God who is full of grace and mercy teaches us that we can be, also.
    When a wrong is committed to the point of physical injury, God does not acquit the guilt but punishment is soon to follow. So be of good courage, and overcome anger, be the master of your's and help others learn how to defuse anger through your example, in King Jesus name. Praise God.
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    14 mins
  • The CHURCH Disentangled But Not Disengaged From The World Episode 24 - Royal Queen Cora Lee Hairston
    Sep 15 2024
    In this powerful sermon The Church: Disentangled But Not Disengaged From The World, Royal Queen Cora Lee Hairston is not abdicating her sovereign authority and rulership in the earth but simply acknowledging the changing of domestic leadership in the United States.
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    14 mins
  • "But You Are Good For Something!" Episode 24 - Royal Queen Cora Lee Hairston
    Aug 4 2024
    There are always people who doubt your ability to do something awesome, they are negative and don't want you to succeed and oftentimes hold you back. But God's word lets us know, "But You Are Good For Something!" Trust God when others doubt and exercise your faith to do what seems to be impossible like those of the Hall of Faith in Hebrew 11, and do what God has called you to do and make your election in Him sure through his belief and power working in you. Praise God, and always remember to use the weapons of your warfare and the Whole Armour of God to defeat those unseen enemies called devil's, because we do not warfare after the flesh according to Eph. 6:12. Wage a mighty warfare and win victoriously. "Suit-up!", Saint's of God, "Suit-up!"
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    14 mins
  • Our Godhead Is One Deity- Triumphant In King Jesus Episode 22 - Royal Queen Cora Lee Hairston
    Jul 7 2024
    Monotheism is serving only one deity, one God through King Jesus. Let me strongly encourage you to listen to this awesome sermon teaching about King Jesus and his incarnation which has brought to us the gift of free salvation Eph. 2:8, and how his divinity gives us the right and power and authority to destroy all our enemies using the weapons of our warfare and the whole amour of God. I know you will be blessed as you use the delegated authority God has given us when you obey his Holy written word. Praise God.
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    12 mins
  • Defeating The Enemies Purpose Episode 21 - Royal Queen Cora Lee Hairston
    Jun 23 2024
    This episode of Defeating The Enemies Purpose, of course, if you heard my last sermon then you would know that it is indeed about money. But with the knowledge and understanding of what money can do against you that is not pleasing in the sight of God, King Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

    In this sermon I address such issues as a person filled with a spirit of aravrice a person who's desire for wealth and riches is based upon worldly things, selfishness, entitlement, materialism, consumerism and hoarding and those who commit White Collar Crimes against their clients.

    I address other issues such as training your children through chastising based on the written word of God in Proverbs 23:16 in order to deliver their soul from hell when they commit sins of the flesh such as stealing, fighting, and worse. I discuss the destruction awaiting those whose heart is filled with the love of money and how harmful it can be. And that hell or sheol is the place awaiting them.

    King Jesus teaches in John 10:10 what the thief does and wants, the end result is his strategy is to take your soul and cause you to live in eternity in hell. But through King Jesus life, death, burial and resurrection and power delegated to each one who comes to love and serve him he gives power to overcome all the enemies strategy. I present 24 ways to defeat the enemies purposes to take your soul, how to win against them. Yes, we too can win the war against our enemies just like David did in Ziklag against the Amalekites and win victoriously. Praise God, Saint's of God, Suit-up, Suit-up and win the battle against the enemies temptations in life.
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    12 mins