
  • What is hindering your spiritual growth?
    Feb 2 2025
    25_02_01 -Ep.349 – Run With Horses Podcast – What is hindering your spiritual growth? Podcast: rwh.podbean.com Website: www.runwithhorses.net Youtube: https://youtube.com/@rwhpodcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RWHpodcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rwh_podcast Twitter: https://twitter.com/RWH_podcast Author pages with links to all books on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0BCSDDVLB – James Norman Smith https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0BMGW51FW – Susan Jane Smith — **(28:00)** Today I’m asking the question, “What is hindering your spiritual growth?” We have all the resources we need, God is doing His part, so why do we still struggle? Welcome to Run With Horses! My name is Norman and my goal is to help you thrive as a follower of Jesus. The spiritual life is both incredibly simple and potentially the most difficult part of your life. God invites you to live intentionally and on His mission. It’s very cool that we can do that together! Thank you for joining me today! “If you’re new here, you can check out past episodes at runwithhorses.net. As always, I appreciate your feedback, questions, and reviews!” **(27:00 – 23:00)** Caregivers Corner **(23:00 – 0:00)* * PART 1 There are several common hindrances to spiritual growth that Christians face. These obstacles can be internal or external, but all of them can slow or even stagnate a believer's growth in Christ. 1. Lack of Biblical Knowledge and Study 2. Neglect of Prayer 3. Unconfessed Sin and Lack of Repentance 4. Worldly Distractions and Priorities 5. Lack of Discipleship and Church Community 6. Spiritual Laziness or Lack of Discipline 7. Unbelief or Doubt 8. Fear of Man or Persecution 9. Spiritual Warfare 10. Pride and Self-Sufficiency Overcoming These Hindrances To grow spiritually, Christians must be intentional about: Developing strong spiritual habits (Bible study, prayer, fasting, worship, service). Staying accountable in the local church through fellowship and discipleship. Relying on the Holy Spirit to overcome sin and distractions. Being diligent in faith despite trials and temptations. **(00:00) END PART 1** **(27:00 – 5:00) BEGIN PART 2** A church can easily drift from its biblical purpose if it is not intentional about staying focused on God's mission. Some of the common hindrances that prevent a church from remaining faithful to its biblical purpose: 1. Mission Drift (Losing Focus on the Great Commission) 2. Biblical Illiteracy Among Leaders and Members 3. Compromising with Culture 4. Overemphasis on Programs Instead of Discipleship 5. Leadership Failures and Power Struggles 6. Fear of Man and Avoidance of Hard Truths 7. Lack of Evangelism and Community Engagement 8. Division and Conflict 9. Prayerlessness 10. Materialism and Financial Mismanagement Overcoming These Hindrances For a church to stay faithful to its biblical purpose, it must: ✅ Stay rooted in sound doctrine and biblical teaching. ✅ Keep discipleship and evangelism as the central focus. ✅ Equip and release believers for ministry, not just entertain them. ✅ Commit to prayer and dependence on the Holy Spirit. ✅ Uphold godly leadership and unity in the church **(5:00 – 1:00)** Bibliology – Preservation of Scripture **(1:00)** The spiritual journey may seem long and slow sometimes, but don’t give up. Keep on putting one foot in front of the other and get up when you fall down. You will face stumbling blocks but God is able to take you through them and even to strengthen you along the way. – “Thank you for listening today! Giving Thanks should be a daily part of the life of every disciple of Jesus. We have so much to be thankful for, we just so easily are distracted by the details of life. Be intentional, be thankful! -If you enjoyed the show you can listen to all the past shows wherever you listen to podcasts. A good place to start is at runwithhorses.net. You can also write me at norman@runwithhorses.net or leave a comment on the Run With Horses Podcast facebook page. Take time today to pause and thank God for His work in your life and keep running. **(00:00)** If you want to support the Run With Horses Podcast and Radio Show, the best way you can do that is by telling other people about it and leaving a review wherever you listen to podcasts. Another way is by checking out our books. Our goal is to support your spiritual growth in any way we can. A link to each of our author pages on Amazon is in the show notes. You can find all our shows with links to the most popular podcast apps at rwh.podbean.com. Thanks for joining us on the journey! https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0BCSDDVLB – James Norman Smith https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0BMGW51FW – Susan Jane Smith
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    56 mins
  • Spiritual Disciplines - Fellowship
    Jan 26 2025
    24_01_25 -Ep.348 – Run With Horses Podcast – Spiritual Disciplines - Fellowship Podcast: rwh.podbean.com Website: www.runwithhorses.net Youtube: https://youtube.com/@rwhpodcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RWHpodcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rwh_podcast Twitter: https://twitter.com/RWH_podcast Author pages with links to all books on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0BCSDDVLB – James Norman Smith https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0BMGW51FW – Susan Jane Smith — **(28:00)** Today we continue our survey of the spiritual disciplines. Welcome to Run With Horses! My name is Norman and my goal is to help you thrive as a follower of Jesus. The spiritual life is both incredibly simple and potentially the most difficult part of your life. God invites you to live intentionally and on His mission. It’s very cool that we can do that together! Thank you for joining me today! “If you’re new here, you can check out past episodes at runwithhorses.net. As always, I appreciate your feedback, questions, and reviews!” **(27:00 – 23:00)** Caregivers Corner Stages of Spiritual Growth – Questions to Ponder Young Adult and Parent **(23:00 – 0:00)* * PART 1 Solitude, silence, fasting, simplicity, meditation, Study, worship, prayer, fellowship, service. Fellowship As A Spiritual Discipline Introduction Fellowship : a deep, spiritual, and relational bond among believers in Christ, united through the Holy Spirit. Fellowship is often undervalued as a spiritual discipline but it is essential for Christian growth, accountability, and encouragement. Hebrews 10:24-25 - 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. 1: Biblical Foundation of Fellowship 1.1. Fellowship in the Early Church Acts 2:42-47 (NKJV) "And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need. So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved." Fellowship was not just social but an intentional, spiritual practice. Community: teaching, breaking bread, prayer, and sharing in each other’s needs. 1.2. Theological Importance of Fellowship 1 John 1:3 (NKJV) "That which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ." Fellowship with one another is rooted in our fellowship with God the Father and Jesus Christ. It’s not just about socializing; it’s about participation in the life of God through Christ. 2: Fellowship as a Spiritual Discipline 2.1. The Role of Fellowship in Christian Growth Hebrews 10:24-25 (NKJV) "And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching." Fellowship is a necessary part of Christian life because it encourages us to love one another and perform good works. Regular gathering in worship and fellowship for mutual encouragement. 2.2. Fellowship as Encouragement and Accountability Galatians 6:1-2 (NKJV) "Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." Fellowship involves mutual care, helping each other through struggles, and bearing one another’s burdens. 3: Fellowship and the Importance of Community for Spiritual Growth 3.1. Using Spiritual Gifts Within the Community 1 Corinthians 12:4-7 (NKJV) "There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all." Fellowship involves the active use of spiritual gifts to build up the body of Christ. Not isolating one’s spiritual gifts but using them in the context of community for the mutual edification of all believers. 3.2. Living Out the "One Anothers" of the New Testament Romans 12:10 (NKJV) "Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another." Galatians 5:13 (NKJV) "For you, brethren, have been ...
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    55 mins
  • Spiritual Disciplines – Study
    Jan 12 2025
    25_01_18 -Ep.347 - Run With Horses Podcast - Spiritual Disciplines – Study Podcast: rwh.podbean.com Website: www.runwithhorses.net Youtube: https://youtube.com/@rwhpodcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RWHpodcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rwh_podcast Twitter: https://twitter.com/RWH_podcast Susan’s New book – Parenting Manual https://a.co/d/8L7GWIo Norman’s New book – Pursuing Godliness Together - It’s a practical, quick read! https://a.co/d/c7Y7F04 **(28:00)** Today we consider the Spiritual Discipline of Study. Welcome to Run With Horses! My name is Norman and my goal is to help you thrive as a follower of Jesus. The spiritual life is both incredibly simple and potentially the most difficult part of your life. God invites you to live intentionally and on His mission. It’s very cool that we can do that together! Thank you for joining me today! “If you’re new here, you can check out past episodes at runwithhorses.net. As always, I appreciate your feedback, questions, and reviews!” **(27:00 – 23:00)** Stages of Spiritual Growth – Questions to Ponder 1. Spiritual Infant Loving God: Do you understand the Gospel and what Jesus has done for you? Loving Others: Do you feel connected to a church family? Making Disciples: Do you know what it means to share your faith with others? 2. Spiritual Child Loving God: Are you developing a regular habit of prayer and Bible reading? Loving Others: How are you learning to serve others in love? Making Disciples: Do you understand why discipleship is important? What steps are you taking to grow in your ability to explain the Gospel? **(23:00 – 0:00)* * PART 1** Study as a Spiritual Discipline 1. Building a Biblical Foundation - Why Study Purpose of Study: To know God and grow in spiritual maturity. Key Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:15: "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." Hosea 4:6a: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Importance of Study: Strengthens our faith (Romans 10:17). Equips us for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Protects against false teaching (Acts 17:11, Ephesians 4:14). 2. What to Study The Word of God: Primary focus should be the Bible. Key Scripture: Psalm 119:105: "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." Matthew 4:4: "It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’" Supporting Resources: Study guides, commentaries, and Bible dictionaries. Church doctrinal statements and creeds (to understand Baptist distinctives). Key Topics to Include: The nature of God, salvation, sanctification, and missions. 3. Who Should Study Every Believer: Spiritual growth is the responsibility of all Christians. Key Scripture: Colossians 3:16: "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord." 1 Peter 2:2: "As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby." Special Responsibilities: Teachers and leaders bear greater accountability in teaching and applying truth. Key Scripture: James 3:1: "My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment." **(00:00) END PART 1** **(27:00 – 5:00) BEGIN PART 2** 4. How to Study The Grammatical-Historical-Literal Framework for Studying the Bible 1. Purpose: Understanding how to study the Bible to uncover its intended meaning. Emphasize that Scripture is God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16-17) and must be handled carefully (2 Timothy 2:15). Goal: Equip learners to study Scripture accurately and faithfully. 2. Overview of the Framework Definition: Grammatical: Focus on the language and structure of the text. Historical: Consider the historical and cultural context. Literal: Interpret according to the plain meaning of the text, unless clearly figurative. Key Scripture: Nehemiah 8:8: "So they read distinctly from the book, in the Law of God; and they gave the sense, and helped them to understand the reading." 2 Peter 1:20-21: "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit." 3. Step-by-Step Explanation A. Grammatical Approach Focus: Analyze sentence structure, grammar, and word meanings. Practical Tools: Use concordances and interlinear Bibles to study original Greek and Hebrew words. Recognize literary devices like metaphors, similes, and hyperboles. Example: Study "love" in 1 Corinthians 13, noting the Greek word agape for deeper understanding. B. Historical Approach Focus: Understand the cultural, geographical, and historical context. Practical Tools: Use Bible atlases,...
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    56 mins
  • Spiritual Disciplines – Prayer
    Jan 12 2025
    25_01_11 -Ep.346 - Run With Horses Podcast - Spiritual Disciplines – Prayer Podcast: rwh.podbean.com Website: www.runwithhorses.net Youtube: https://youtube.com/@rwhpodcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RWHpodcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rwh_podcast Twitter: https://twitter.com/RWH_podcast Susan’s New book – Parenting Manual https://a.co/d/8L7GWIo Norman’s New book – Pursuing Godliness Together - It’s a practical, quick read! https://a.co/d/c7Y7F04 **(28:00)** Today we consider the Spiritual Discipline of Welcome to Run With Horses! My name is Norman and my goal is to help you thrive as a follower of Jesus. The spiritual life is both incredibly simple and potentially the most difficult part of your life. God invites you to live intentionally and on His mission. It’s very cool that we can do that together! Thank you for joining me today! “If you’re new here, you can check out past episodes at runwithhorses.net. As always, I appreciate your feedback, questions, and reviews!” **(27:00 – 23:00)** **(23:00 – 0:00)* * PART 1 Prayer as a Spiritual Discipline Section 1: The What and Why of Prayer as a Spiritual Discipline Definition and Nature of Prayer Prayer as communication with God: a dialogue, not a monologue. Biblical definition: Biblical Foundation of Prayer Jesus’ teaching on prayer: (Matthew 6:6) (Matthew 6:9-13). (Matthew 21:22). 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NKJV): Philippians 4:6 (NKJV): The Purpose of Prayer in Spiritual Growth Acknowledging dependence on God: (Jeremiah 33:3). Developing intimacy with God: (James 4:8). Alignment with God’s will: (Matthew 6:10). The Role of Prayer in a Growing Spiritual Life Strengthening faith: (Jude 1:20). Overcoming spiritual challenges: (Matthew 26:41). Spiritual Growth: Discuss how prayer fosters a deeper relationship with God. James 5:16 (NKJV): Dependence on God: Emphasize prayer as an expression of reliance on God’s wisdom and strength. Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV): Transformation: Explain how prayer transforms the believer’s heart and mind. Romans 12:2 (NKJV): **(00:00) END PART 1** **(27:00 – 5:00) BEGIN PART 2** Section 2: How to Pray as a Spiritual Discipline (30 minutes) Practical Steps for Prayer Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication (ACTS): Explain this model of prayer. Begin with adoration and thanksgiving: (Psalm 100:4). Confess sins: (1 John 1:9). Bring petitions and intercessions: (Hebrews 4:16). Combining Prayer with Other Spiritual Disciplines Prayer and Bible reading: Meditate on Scripture and respond in prayer (e.g., Psalm 119:18). Scriptural Prayers: Encourage using the Psalms and other scriptures as prayers. Psalm 51:10 (NKJV): Prayer and fasting: Seek God’s guidance and clarity (e.g., Acts 13:2-3). Prayer and worship: (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Incorporating Prayer into Daily Life Setting regular prayer times: (Psalm 55:17). Praying throughout the day: (Ephesians 6:18). Using prayer prompts or journals to stay consistent. Routine and Spontaneity: Encourage setting aside specific times for prayer while also being open to spontaneous prayer throughout the day. Prayer Journals: Suggest keeping a journal to track prayer requests and answers. Community Building: Highlight the importance of praying together as a church community. Acts 2:42 (NKJV): **(5:00 – 1:00)** Doctrine of the Month - The Church Defined Edification and the Local Church **(1:00)** - “Thank you for listening today! -If you enjoyed the show you can listen to all the past shows wherever you listen to podcasts. A good place to start is at runwithhorses.net. You can also write me at norman@runwithhorses.net or leave a comment on the Run With Horses Podcast facebook page. Take time today to pause and thank God for His work in your life and keep running. **(00:00)**
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    56 mins
  • Spiritual Disciplines – Silence and Solitude
    Jan 5 2025
    25_01_04 -Ep.345 - Run With Horses Podcast - Spiritual Disciplines – Silence and Solitude Podcast: rwh.podbean.com Website: www.runwithhorses.net Youtube: https://youtube.com/@rwhpodcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RWHpodcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rwh_podcast Twitter: https://twitter.com/RWH_podcast Susan’s New book – Parenting Manual https://a.co/d/8L7GWIo Norman’s New book – Pursuing Godliness Together - It’s a practical, quick read! https://a.co/d/c7Y7F04 **(28:00)** Today we consider the Spiritual Disciplines of Silence and Solitude, what they are and how to use them! Welcome to Run With Horses! My name is Norman and my goal is to help you thrive as a follower of Jesus. The spiritual life is both incredibly simple and potentially the most difficult part of your life. God invites you to live intentionally and on His mission. It’s very cool that we can do that together! Thank you for joining me today! “If you’re new here, you can check out past episodes at runwithhorses.net. As always, I appreciate your feedback, questions, and reviews!” **(27:00 – 23:00)** Caregiver’s Corner **(23:00 – 0:00)* * PART 1 Silence and Solitude Section 1: Understanding Silence and Solitude 1. Definition of Silence and Solitude Silence: A spiritual discipline involving intentional quietness to hear God without external noise or distractions. Solitude: A spiritual practice of being alone with God for reflection, prayer, and listening. Deepening Relationship: Silence and solitude provide an opportunity to deepen one's relationship with God. In the quiet, distractions are minimized, allowing for a more focused and intimate communion with God. 2. Biblical Foundations Jesus' Example: Mark 1:35: "Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed." Luke 5:16: "So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed." Elijah's Encounter with God: 1 Kings 19:12: "And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice." David’s Meditations: Psalm 62:1: "Truly my soul silently waits for God; from Him comes my salvation." 3. Theological Significance Silence and solitude create space to hear God’s voice and discern His will. They reflect dependence on God rather than on human activity. They align with humility and submission to God’s leading. Priesthood of all Believers – you can enter the presence of God! 4. Making a Space in the Noise Fighting Distraction: In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven society, the constant stream of information can be overwhelming. Regularly practicing solitude and silence helps Christians resist the cultural pressures of noise and distraction, allowing them to build a more profound spiritual life. Creating Space for God: The digital age has made it increasingly challenging to find moments of quiet. By intentionally setting aside time for solitude, Christians can reclaim their focus on God amidst the chaos of modern life. 5. Practical Examples of Silence and Solitude Morning devotion in a quiet room or outdoors. Retreats dedicated to prayer and reflection. Taking moments during the day to pause and seek God in silence. Listening to God: These practices create space to hear God's voice and discern His will. In a world filled with noise and busyness, silence allows believers to be more receptive to God's guidance and presence. Section 2: Practicing Silence and Solitude in Daily Life 1. Tying Silence and Solitude to Other Disciplines Developing Spiritual Disciplines: Solitude is a key spiritual discipline that helps Christians grow in their faith. It encourages practices such as prayer, meditation, and Bible study, which are essential for spiritual maturity. Prayer: Silence prepares the heart to pray authentically and listen to God’s response. Psalm 46:10: "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!" Bible Reading: Solitude allows for focused study and meditation on God’s Word. Joshua 1:8: "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night." Meditation: Reflecting on Scripture in silence deepens understanding and application. Journaling: Writing out your lessons learned and questions that come up as you read and study God’s Word 2. Overcoming Challenges Addressing distractions: Practical tips for creating a quiet space. Struggles with being alone: Encouragement to view solitude as time with God. 3. Corporate Applications Encouraging church retreats focused on silence and prayer. Teaching congregations to incorporate moments of silence into worship services. 4. Spiritual Benefits of Silence and Solitude Clarity in decision-making. Aligning with God's Will: Silence and solitude help believers align their desires and actions with God's...
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    56 mins
  • Spiritual Disciplines – Fasting
    Dec 29 2024
    24_12_28 -Ep.344 - Run With Horses Podcast - Spiritual Disciplines – Fasting Podcast: rwh.podbean.com Website: www.runwithhorses.net Youtube: https://youtube.com/@rwhpodcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RWHpodcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rwh_podcast Twitter: https://twitter.com/RWH_podcast Susan’s New book – Parenting Manual https://a.co/d/8L7GWIo Norman’s New book – Pursuing Godliness Together - It’s a practical, quick read! https://a.co/d/c7Y7F04 --- **(28:00)** Last week we looked at biblical meditation, Today we consider the spiritual discipline of fasting! **(27:00 – 23:00)** The "one another" commands found throughout the New Testament are critical for followers of Jesus for several reasons. 1. Foundation of Christian Community 2. Reflecting Christ's Love 3. Promoting Spiritual Growth 4. Enhancing Prayer Life 5. Witness to the World 6. Encouraging Humility and Service **(23:00 – 0:00)* * PART 1 What Are Spiritual Disciplines? Define spiritual disciplines as practices rooted in Scripture that help believers grow in their relationship with God. Key verse: “Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness.” (1 Timothy 4:7) Biblical Examples and Spiritual Purpose of Fasting 1. Biblical Examples of Fasting Fasting in Mourning and Repentance: David fasting after his sin with Bathsheba (2 Samuel 12:16-17 - ). The people of Nineveh fasting in response to Jonah’s preaching (Jonah 3:5-10 ) Fasting for Guidance: Ezra fasting for safety and protection (Ezra 8:21-23 ) The church at Antioch fasting before sending out missionaries (Acts 13:2-3 ) Fasting in Crisis: Esther and the Jews fasting before she approached the king (Esther 4:16)) Jehoshaphat proclaiming a fast when Judah was under threat (2 Chronicles 20:3-4 Fasting in Preparation for Ministry: Jesus fasting 40 days and nights in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-2 ) Paul and Barnabas fasting before appointing elders (Acts 14:23) 1.2 The Spiritual Purpose of Fasting Seeking God’s Presence and Power: Humble Dependence on God: Aligning with God’s Will: **So, Why Fast? Mourning, Repentance, Seeking Guidance, Wisdom, A Crisis, Preparation for Ministry **(00:00) END PART 1** **(27:00 – 5:00) BEGIN PART 2** Section 2: Practical Application of Fasting 2.1 How to Fast as an Individual Preparing for a Fast: Know Your WHY. What’s your purpose? Pray and focus on the purpose for the fast. Choose the type and duration of fasting. Plan what will replace food, don’t leave a vacuum. Prayer, Bible Reading, Memorization, etc. Types of Fasting: Complete Fast: No food or drink (Esther 4:16, Paul at conversion, Moses on Sinai; extreme circumstances only). 1.Desperate Circumstances: Often connected with life-and-death situations or pivotal spiritual moments. 2.Short Duration: Typically no more than three days unless miraculously sustained (e.g., Moses’ 40-day fast). 3.Purpose: To seek divine intervention, guidance, forgiveness, or revelation. Partial Fast: Partial fasts in the Bible involve abstaining from certain types of food or drink rather than completely abstaining. These fasts were often used for extended periods or in specific contexts where individuals focused on humility, devotion, or spiritual preparation. (Daniel 10:3 - 2In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks. 3I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled. John the Baptists Lifestyle) 1. Characteristics of Partial Fasts 2. Select Restrictions: Focus on limiting specific foods (e.g., rich foods, meat, or wine). 3. Purpose: Often linked to humility, seeking God’s will, or preparing for spiritual encounters. 4.Extended Durations: Commonly longer than complete fasts, lasting days or weeks. Intermittent Fast: Skipping meals during specific times. IE. miss lunch for prayer. Intermittent fasting, characterized by periodic abstention from food or drink for specific times, is not explicitly named in the Bible but can be inferred from certain practices and rhythms. Biblical examples suggest some individuals and communities engaged in fasting at particular times of the day or for designated periods as part of their spiritual devotion. Luke 18:12 – Pharisee fasted twice a week, on a schedule. Characteristics of Intermittent Fasting in the Bible 1.Time-Based Fasting: Often occurred during specific hours of the day (e.g., morning to evening). 2.Regular Patterns: Certain groups, like the Pharisees, observed fasting on scheduled days. 3.Corporate and Personal Practice: Seen in communal settings (e.g., Israel) and individual devotion (e.g., Anna). 4.Purpose: Spiritual preparation, mourning, seeking guidance, or demonstrating devotion. Non-Food Fasts: Avoiding distractions like social media, entertainment, or hobbies to focus on God. The Bible does not explicitly ...
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    56 mins
  • Spiritual Disciplines – Biblical Meditation
    Dec 22 2024
    24_12_21 -Ep.343 - Run With Horses Podcast - Spiritual Disciplines – Biblical Meditation Podcast: rwh.podbean.com Website: www.runwithhorses.net Youtube: https://youtube.com/@rwhpodcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RWHpodcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rwh_podcast Twitter: https://twitter.com/RWH_podcast Susan’s New book – Parenting Manual https://a.co/d/8L7GWIo Norman’s New book – Pursuing Godliness Together - It’s a practical, quick read! https://a.co/d/c7Y7F04 --- **(28:00)** Today we consider the spiritual discipline of biblical meditation! **(27:00 – 23:00)** Small Groups: Small groups are an essential part of the life of a healthy Baptist church. These gatherings provide a place to live out the “one another” commands of the New Testament. Through small groups, we build relationships that help us grow spiritually, serve together, and use our gifts to strengthen the church one relationship at a time. **(23:00 – 0:00)* * PART 1 What Are Spiritual Disciplines? Define spiritual disciplines as practices rooted in Scripture that help believers grow in their relationship with God. Key verse: “Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness.” (1 Timothy 4:7) Meditation as a Spiritual Discipline Section 1: Biblical Meditation A. Introduction to Biblical Meditation Define meditation from a Biblical perspective: Focused, intentional contemplation of God's Word and works. A spiritual exercise focused on Scripture, involving contemplation and prayer Rooted in Scripture, with the goal of knowing God and aligning one's heart with His will. Differentiate Biblical meditation from Eastern meditation: C. Differences Between Eastern Meditation and Biblical Meditation (10 minutes) Focus: Eastern meditation often centers on self-awareness and inner peace, while biblical meditation focuses on God and His Word(Biblical Meditation vs. Eastern Meditation | Abide, n.d.). Eastern meditation emphasizes emptying the mind and achieving detachment. Biblical meditation emphasizes filling the mind with God's truth and cultivating intimacy with Him (Philippians 4:8). Posture: Eastern practices may emphasize physical posture (e.g., sitting cross-legged), whereas biblical meditation prioritizes the posture of the heart(Biblical Meditation vs. Eastern Meditation | Abide, n.d.). Worldview: Eastern meditation may promote the idea of achieving spiritual freedom or "nirvana," while biblical meditation acknowledges dependence on God and His grace(Biblical Meditation vs. Eastern Meditation | Abide, n.d.). B. Key Bible References (NKJV) Joshua 1:8 Psalm 1:1–2 Psalm 119:15–16 C. Biblical Examples of Meditation David Psalms filled with meditations on God's law, character, and works (e.g., Psalm 19:14). Isaac Genesis 24:63: Jesus Frequent times of solitude and prayer, often grounded in God's Word (Luke 5:16). D. The Purpose and Fruit of Biblical Meditation Deepening understanding of God’s Word. Transforming the heart and mind (Romans 12:2). Encouraging obedience and spiritual growth. **(00:00) END PART 1** **(27:00 – 5:00) BEGIN PART 2** Section 2: Practical Help for Practicing Biblical Meditation A. Establishing a Biblical Framework for Meditation Set aside focused time daily (morning or evening). Create a quiet space free from distractions. Begin with prayer for understanding and insight (Psalm 119:18). B. Techniques for Practicing Meditation Select a Passage or Verse Choose a specific Scripture to meditate on, e.g., Psalms, Proverbs, or teachings of Jesus. Select verses or passages that resonate personally. What is God doing in your life now? Read and Reflect Read slowly and repeatedly, emphasizing different words or phrases. Ask Questions of the Text What does this reveal about God? What does this mean for my life today? Memorize and Internalize Commit verses to memory for ongoing meditation throughout the day. Techniques for Effective Meditation (10 minutes) Lectio Divina: Explain this ancient practice of slow, contemplative reading of Scripture. It is traditionally associated with monastic communities. The practice emphasizes a slow, meditative reading of the Bible, aiming not just to study Scripture but to experience it personally and prayerfully. The Four Steps of Lectio Divina: A. Lectio (Reading): B. Meditatio (Meditation): C. Oratio (Prayer): D.Contemplatio (Contemplation): Journaling: Encourage keeping a meditation journal to record thoughts and insights Incorporating Prayer: Discuss how to integrate prayer into meditation, asking God for understanding and application of His Word C. Overcoming Distractions Find a quiet, distraction-free location. Write down stray thoughts to address later. D. Using Tools to Enhance Meditation Journaling: Record insights and applications. Music: Listen to hymns or Scripture-based songs. E...
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    56 mins
  • Spiritual Disciplines - Tools for Growth Part 1
    Dec 15 2024

    24_12_14 -Ep.342 - Run With Horses Podcast - Spiritual Disciplines - Tools for Growth Part 1

    Podcast: rwh.podbean.com

    Website: www.runwithhorses.net

    Youtube: https://youtube.com/@rwhpodcast

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RWHpodcast

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    Susan’s New book – Parenting Manual


    Norman’s New book – Pursuing Godliness Together - It’s a practical, quick read!




    Today we consider the Spiritual Disciplines, what they are and how to use them!

    Welcome to Run With Horses! My name is Norman and my goal is to help you thrive as a follower of Jesus. The spiritual life is both incredibly simple and potentially the most difficult part of your life. God invites you to live intentionally and on His mission. It’s very cool that we can do that together!

    Thank you for joining me today! “If you’re new here, you can check out past episodes at runwithhorses.net. As always, I appreciate your feedback, questions, and reviews!”

    **(27:00 – 23:00)**

    Caregivers Corner

    **(23:00 – 0:00)* * PART 1

    What Are Spiritual Disciplines?

    Spiritual disciplines are practices rooted in Scripture that help believers grow in their relationship with God.

    Key verse: “Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness.” (1 Timothy 4:7)

    Segment 1: Foundations of Spiritual Disciplines

    Biblical Practices: They are prescribed and modeled in Scripture, both for personal and communal growth.

    Key verse: (Psalm 1:1-2)

    Means, Not Ends: These practices help believers grow in Christlikeness and deepen their relationship with God.

    Key verse: (2 Peter 3:18)

    Segment 2: Types of Disciplines

    Two types of spiritual disciplines:

    Disciplines of Abstinence: Solitude, silence, fasting, simplicity.

    Key verse: (Matthew 6:17-18)

    Disciplines of Engagement: Study, worship, prayer, fellowship, service.

    Key verse: (Hebrews 10:24-25)

    Segment 3: Right Motivation

    Emphasize that these practices should be driven by love for God and a desire to know Him.

    Key verse: (Mark 12:30)

    **(00:00) END PART 1**

    **(27:00 – 5:00) BEGIN PART 2**

    Avoiding Pitfalls in Spiritual Disciplines

    Recap Part 1, summarizing the definition, foundation, and types of spiritual disciplines.

    Key verse: (Philippians 3:14)

    Segment 1: Potential Pitfalls

    Legalism: The temptation to turn disciplines into a checklist or law.

    Key verse: (Galatians 5:1)

    Misplaced Virtue: Viewing the disciplines themselves as virtuous or meritorious.

    Key verse: (Isaiah 64:6)

    Losing Focus on Christ: Centering on the practices rather than Christ Himself.

    Key verse: (Hebrews 12:2)

    Segment 2: How to Stay Christ-Centered

    Strategies for keeping Christ at the center of your spiritual disciplines:

    Begin each practice with prayer, inviting the Holy Spirit to guide you.

    Regularly meditate on the gospel and Christ’s finished work.

    Key verse: (1 Corinthians 2:2)

    Be intentional about aligning every discipline with the goal of growing closer to Christ.

    Approach spiritual disciplines with the right heart and purpose.

    Key verse: (Matthew 6:33)

    **(5:00 – 1:00)**

    Doctrine of the Month - Salvation

    *The Need for Salvation

    * The Provision of Salvation


    - “Thank you for listening today! Giving Thanks should be a daily part of the life of every disciple of Jesus. We have so much to be thankful for, we just so easily are distracted by the details of life.Be intentional, be thankful!

    -If you enjoyed the show you can listen to all the past shows wherever you listen to podcasts. A good place to start is at runwithhorses.net. You can also write me at norman@runwithhorses.net or leave a comment on the Run With Horses Podcast facebook page. Take time today to pause and thank God for His work in your life and keep running.


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    55 mins