Episode 6 - Katie Keim
In those early months of blindness, I had to relearn spatial relationships. I was walking with my mother one day near her home. It was a soundless and windless day. I experienced walking by a large ponderosa pine tree and hearing that it was next to me through my arm and my skin. Not through my ears, not through my eyes that didn’t work anymore, not through the smells or taste in the wind, but through my skin I heard it. I have no other way of describing it than hearing it through my skin. So the sensations started to come back to me in the realization that I’d always heard them. I’d always felt them. I’ve always smelled them, tasted them, touched them. But I’d always thought I’d seen them. I realized then, I could still see without seeing.
Link to Transcript: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H7emTi3bYcG6aMn30i4nU-jBTgr493_Z/view?usp=sharing