A new episode of Suncoast Audio arrives! Kit, Mike and Andrew are here to give you the scoop on the hottest anime movie of 1988, Akira. Have you heard about this one? There's a sick motorcycle and a laser gun! Also some stuff about authoritarian governments, the human compulsion to know and control the supernatural, and the horrors of masculinity. But damn that motorcycle is fucking cool.
Music: Kaneda by Geinoh Yamashirogumi
Excerpt from Battle Against Clown by Geinoh Yamashirogumi
Requiem by Geinoh Yamashirogumi
Kit is @kit_boyote
Michael is @macclubbin
Andrew is shitposting at @WatchingSpirits
Our podcasts are Some Time to Explain and Talking the Spirit Realm.
Send in questions/comments/affirming words to watchingthespiritrealm@gmail.com