We're back with hot tournament action! Michael and Andrew discover the true meaning of shonen tournament shitposting as we breeze through Yusuke and Kuwabara's trials and tribulations. Listen to us ponder the mysteries of the World All-Style Combat Sports at the Tokyo Dome, wonder at how much time was spent drawing characters who don't matter, and slowly break down as Andrew learns that answering machines used to have removable tapes. Somehow we don't have a 10 minute Dragon Ball tangent this episode.
Next time, we will be covering episodes 14-17.
Opening music: Smile Bomb/Hohoemi no Bakudan by Matsuko Mawatori
Ending music: Homework Never Ends/Homework Ga Owaranai by Matsuko Mawatori
Email in any questions or thoughts to: watchingthespiritrealm@gmail.com or hit us up on twitter @WatchingSpirits
Follow along with the blog at watchingthespiritrealm.wordpress.com
Michael (he/him) is @macclubbin on Twitter and his website ishttp://www.michaelmaccubbin.com