Episode Notes Join the spirited Lily White and her mischievous friend Chad Richter as they embark on wholesome adventures in the charming town of Harmonyville. These plucky kids will stop at nothing to uncover the truth and stand up for their good old-fashioned values, whether that involves sticking it to their stuck-up teacher or investigating the evils of vaccines through their totally secret (no adults allowed!) Truth Seekers clubhouse. Along the way they'll learn the importance of integrity, justice, and celebrating their Caucasian heritage because you can never be too proud of your roots! Through courageous acts like confronting inappropriate storytime material, they'll overcome adversity and preserve Harmonyville's traditions. Blending laughter, hijinks and good clean fun, this tale will inspire kids to fight for liberty, justice and the conservative way—all while driving their parents totally nuts! Join the squad and get ready to shake things up, Harmonyville style!
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