4:00: Burn the Ships - Mike goes all in on his real estate career.
5:45: Mike shares his story of social media novice to becoming one of Indiana’s most recognized real estate professionals.
8:00: Mike give an in-depth look at his weekly strategy and how social media has become a pivotal pillar to his business’ success.
10:15: Posting Personal vs Business. Mike explains how it’s important that his customers can connect with him on a personal level before they connect on a business level.
13:30: $1,000,000 “Come List Me” from Instagram.
16:00: Pillars To Success: Mike shares his business playbook and the path to $28,000,000 in 2019.
20:30: After the Sale - How to Remain Top of Mind to Your Clients. Mike lays out a few pages from his 50-point playbook and how he stays top of mind.
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------------------------- Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/RealStoriesOfSuccess Connect with Austin: austinl@fairwaymc.com / 317.797.3619 Connect with Ryan: ryan@thehrdteam.com / 317.509.7431