After falling into the abyss in Númenor, Sauron re-establishes his kingdom in Mordor and makes war upon Men and Elves. Sauron takes Minas Ithil. Isildur flees in search of Elendil. Anárion fights back Sauron, but recognizes that a greater force is needed. The Last Alliance is formed, and war is waged against Sauron. Anárion is slain, but the assault comes all the way to the tower of Barad-dûr, where it is sieged for seven years. Sauron comes forth and kills Gil-galad and Elendil, but Isildur cuts the Ruling Ring from Sauron’s hand, and he is vanquished for a time. Elendil refuses to destroy the One Ring. Three friends read and react to the greatest story you've never heard — the Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien. 01:45 Cameron reads pages 292-297 from the Silmarillion, 2nd Edition
19:03 Summary
20:38 Discussion
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The Rings of Power comes to Amazon, but nothing compares to the real story JRR Tolkien wrote. Is the Silmarillion his masterpiece? The Silmarillion is a book everyone should read, but it can be intimidating. Go on a journey with us.
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