In Part 1 - Understanding Sikhism -
We understand the meaning of Hukamnama and Seva
In Part 2 - The History of the Sikhs -
We look at the life of Guru Har Gobind Ji
This week’s Shabad Translation features a Shabad sung by Dya Singh of Australia entitled Bheyi prapat manukh dehoria
In Part 4 - Resource Review we check-out
For the Outside broadcast segment we have highlights from the 18th UK Birmingham to London Cycle ride for Children with Leukaemia - organised by the Sikh Arts and Cultural Association (SACA).
In the final part of the programme, Inspirations words and songs, we feature two tracks one by Simon Webb and the other by Niranjan Kaur Khalsa. The latter track is entitled, ‘Muhl Mantra’.