I sat down with an actress from the Golden Era of horror, Ms. Tiffany Helm who portrays Violet in the non-canon movie for the Friday the 13th Franchise. Although Jason Voorhees is not in this particular movie, it’s still one of my all-time favorites. After speaking to John Shepherd a few years back about his role, the movie was bumped up on my favorites.
Tiffany explained how she got the role as Violet and how she performed with the cast and crew. Tiffany confirmed that her character was ‘New-Wave’ and sort of punk-rockish. Either way, she performed exceptionally well.
We also talked about her new coming up called “Catnip” which is due to be released next year some time between Halloween and Thanksgiving. It’s a creature feature/comedy-horror with killer cats! She provided the cast list with some very familiar names, and I cannot wait to see it. If you’d like to join the campaign and help with the production and receive some awesome perks, please visit the website: catnipmoviecampaign.com. You can also search for it on social media and acquire more information that way.