• Secrets Beneath Dioklecijanova: A Tale of Hidden Reckoning

  • Mar 5 2025
  • Length: 17 mins
  • Podcast

Secrets Beneath Dioklecijanova: A Tale of Hidden Reckoning

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Secrets Beneath Dioklecijanova: A Tale of Hidden Reckoning Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2025-03-05-23-34-01-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Duboko ispod sjajnog kamenja Dioklecijanove palače u Splitu, skrila se tajna.En: Deep beneath the gleaming stones of Dioklecijanova palača in Split, a secret lay hidden.Hr: Nitko nije očekivao da će ta tajna biti otkrivena dvoje neočekivanih junaka - Ivana, briljantnog, ali uvijek zabrinutog doktoranda povijesti Rima, i Marinu, smjelu novinarku s nepopustljivim ciljem.En: No one expected that the secret would be uncovered by two unexpected heroes - Ivan, a brilliant but always anxious doctoral candidate in Roman history, and Marina, a daring journalist with an unwavering goal.Hr: Bježeći od mračne organizacije čiji biznis i planovi nisu imali granica, Ivan i Marina našli su se u tjesnacu podzemnih tunela.En: Fleeing from a shadowy organization whose business and plans knew no boundaries, Ivan and Marina found themselves in the narrow confines of underground tunnels.Hr: Sveti dužine hodnika, kao da se prostirao do same prošlosti.En: The sacred length of the corridor seemed to stretch into the past itself.Hr: Ovog je proljeća svaki miris bio pomiješao s intrigom, svježi zrak mirisao je avanturom i opasnosti.En: That spring, every scent was mixed with intrigue, with the fresh air smelling of adventure and danger.Hr: Dok su se blagim koracima kretali kamenitim prolazima, slučajno su nabasali na teška, rustična vrata.En: As they moved with soft steps through the stone passages, they stumbled upon a heavy, rustic door.Hr: Pomjerili su ih, škripavi zvuk ispunio je hodnik.En: They pushed it, the creaky sound filling the corridor.Hr: Ispred njih se razotkrila tajanstvena laboratorija.En: Before them, a mysterious laboratory was revealed.Hr: Stvari izložene iz davne prošlosti oživjele su u očima dvoje istraživača.En: Things displayed from ancient times came alive in the eyes of the two explorers.Hr: Kamene prostorije bile su ispunjene prastarim svitcima i alkemijskim opremama, a Mihova refleksija titrala je na hrabroj Marininom licu dok su isijavali drevni rimski baklje.En: The stone rooms were filled with ancient scrolls and alchemical equipment, and Marina's brave face shimmered with Ivan's reflection as ancient Roman torches glowed.Hr: Suhoća prašine gotovo je davila svaki njihov dah, no znatiželja ih je gurala dalje.En: The dryness of the dust almost choked every breath, but curiosity pushed them further.Hr: „Moramo probati ovo dešifrirati“, tiho je rekao Ivan, njegov glas pomiješan uzbuđenjem i strahom.En: “We must try to decipher this,” Ivan said quietly, his voice mingled with excitement and fear.Hr: Marina je osjećala divljenje prema Ivanovoj odlučnosti, ali i tihu nervozu.En: Marina felt admiration for Ivan's determination but also a quiet nervousness.Hr: Ako uspiju, istina bi svjetlila poput svjetionika, razotkrivajući crni veo koji je organizacija pažljivo pletala.En: If they succeeded, the truth would shine like a lighthouse, uncovering the dark veil that the organization carefully wove.Hr: Slekli su pogled dok su papirnatim sovicama pregledavali tekstove starijih od milenijuma.En: They exchanged glances as they pored over texts older than a millennium with paper-thin owls.Hr: Marina je ostavljala tragove novinarskog umijeća - dokazi koje su ljubomorno skupljali, postajali su nepobitni svjedoci njihovog otkrića.En: Marina left traces of her journalistic expertise - the evidence they jealously collected became undeniable witnesses to their discovery.Hr: Međutim, koraci agenti približavali su se.En: However, the footsteps of agents were approaching.Hr: Progonitelji su znali da im vrijeme curi, a prostrani labirint hodnika stvorio je intenzitet igre lova na mačke i miševe.En: The pursuers knew that time was running out, and the vast labyrinth of corridors created the intensity of a cat-and-mouse game.Hr: Usred tmurne i mrkle tjeskobe, Ivan je pronašao mehanizam koji su dugo vremena skrivali rimski majstori.En: In the midst of gloomy darkness, Ivan found a mechanism long hidden by Roman craftsmen.Hr: „Aktiviraj ga“, uzviknula je Marina.En: “Activate it,” Marina shouted.Hr: Njihove oči sijevale su suosjećanjem i hrabrošću.En: Their eyes sparked with compassion and bravery.Hr: Uz pritisak mehanizma, prostorna vrata su se zakračila iza njih, zauvijek zatvorivši put agentima.En: With the press of the mechanism, the spatial doors locked behind them, forever closing the path to the agents.Hr: Ostali su sami, ali slobodni.En: They were alone but free.Hr: Njihov bijeg nije bio uzaludan.En: Their escape was not in vain.Hr: Sa svitkom i dokazima u rukama, dobrota izlijepljena po lica Ivana i Marine je osvanula novim jutrom.En: With the scroll and evidence in hand, the goodness plastered across Ivan's and Marina's faces dawned with a ...
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