For a real estate investor, using private money to fund deals can be the fast track to scaling up quickly. But how do you approach private money lenders? And what do private money lenders look for in a borrower and in an investment deal they are willing to fund? This episode features Mary DeSloover, Andrew's original private money lender who helped him build his empire to what it is today. She'll share what she looks for when deciding to lend out money to fund deals for investors, as well as best practices for investors as the look to build relationships with private money lenders.
The Cashflow For Life podcast is about one thing: using real estate investing as a tool to create consistent cashflow every month for the rest of your life. Our mission is to help everyone in America buy their first 5 properties in the next 2 years, and have them paid off in 7 years. This is the 2-5-7 Cashflow For Life philosophy. Tune in to witness how ordinary people in our community have put this philosophy into action to increase their net worth and create consistent monthly cashflow as they continue their journey to build wealth for themselves and their families.