Hey guys, welcome back to the Why Wars Happened History Podcast, where you learn about the causes of wars and things like, why did it happen? Was it inevitable? Who was involved?
Sometimes I go back hundreds of years just so we can understand what happened in our narrative episodes covering the long course of a war and the background of the war.
And if you want to talk more about war, we also have authors, historians, war generals, royalty, actors, filmmakers, a whole bunch of people come on as guests and we talk about everything about before, during, and after war. So let's go!
The Why Wars Happened History Podcast covers The American Revolution, World War I, World War II, Medieval Wars in England, The Habsburg Empire, The War in Iraq, Scottish wars, The War of the Roses, The Cuban Missile Crisis, The Cold War, The Thirty Years War, The Hundred Years War, The American Civil War, and many others.
In this episode of Why Wars Happened History Podcast, we go into the chaos after Governor Berkeley leaves for England. With his death, Virginia's plans fall apart. Governor Jeffreys steps in, clashes with the Assembly, then dies too! His widow gets thrown in debtors' prison by a vengeful Assembly. Henry Chicheley briefly takes charge, but trouble looms as a reluctant Lord Culpeper is on his way to take over.
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00:00 Recap of Governor Berkeley's Departure
01:34 Governor Jeffreys Takes Charge
02:48 Assembly's Retaliation Against Governor Jeffreys
04:24 The Pampered Lord Culpeper
06:27 Henry Chicheley: The Interim Governor
08:02 Conclusion and Teaser for Next Episode
#ColonialHistory #PowerStruggle #HistoricalConflict #VirginiaHistory #HistoryPodcast #UShistory #americanrevolution