• Siblings' Silent Storm: A Journey from Struggles to Healing

  • Feb 28 2025
  • Length: 17 mins
  • Podcast

Siblings' Silent Storm: A Journey from Struggles to Healing

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Japanese: Siblings' Silent Storm: A Journey from Struggles to Healing Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/ja/episode/2025-02-28-23-34-02-ja Story Transcript:Ja: 雪が静かに降る冬の日、精神病棟の一室では、ハルートが窓の外を眺めていました。En: On a winter day when the snow was quietly falling, Haruto was gazing out the window from a room in the psychiatric ward.Ja: 彼の心は、降り積もる雪のように重たく、不安定でした。En: His mind was heavy and unstable, much like the snow piling up outside.Ja: ビジネスマンとして成功を収めていた過去が遠く感じ、今はただ、自らの状態に悩む日々です。En: His past success as a businessman felt distant, and now he just struggled with his own condition each day.Ja: その部屋にいるのは彼だけではありません。En: He was not alone in that room.Ja: 妹のサクラが、ちょうどナース服で登場しました。En: His younger sister, Sakura, just walked in wearing her nurse's uniform.Ja: 彼女は兄の担当ではありませんが、彼の顔を見に来ました。En: She was not in charge of her brother's care, but she came to see his face.Ja: 兄弟愛とプロの義務感の間で揺れる彼女の目に、不安がありました。En: There was anxiety in her eyes, caught between familial love and her professional duties.Ja: 「ハルートお兄ちゃん、元気?」サクラは優しく声をかけました。En: "Haruto onii-chan, how are you?" Sakura asked gently.Ja: ハルートは目を細め、妹の顔を見てうなずきました。En: Haruto squinted at his sister's face and nodded.Ja: 「まあまあかな。ありがとう、来てくれて。」En: "Not too bad, thanks for coming."Ja: 少し遅れて、弟のユウトが部屋に入ってきました。En: Shortly after, their younger brother, Yuto, entered the room.Ja: 彼は、芸術家として日々を送る青年です。En: He spends his days as an artist.Ja: 兄の成功の陰で、彼は長く嫉妬の念を抱いていました。しかし、兄の今の状態に心が締め付けられています。En: In the shadow of his brother's success, he had long harbored feelings of jealousy, but now his heart was heavy with Haruto's current state.Ja: 「久しぶりだね、ハルート兄さん。」ユウトは複雑な表情を浮かべて言いました。En: "It's been a while, Haruto niisan," Yuto said, wearing a complex expression.Ja: 三人の空間には、過去の記憶と未解決の感情が積み重なり、緊張が漂いました。En: In the space where the three were gathered, past memories and unresolved emotions piled up, creating a tense atmosphere.Ja: ハルートは決心しました。En: Haruto made a decision.Ja: この機会に、自分の抱える苦しみを兄弟たちに話そうと。En: He would seize this opportunity to speak to his siblings about the suffering he had been carrying.Ja: 「ごめん、今まで黙ってたことがあるんだ。」ハルートが切り出しました。En: "I'm sorry, there's something I've kept quiet about until now," Haruto began.Ja: 「この状態になるまで、ずっと一人で抱え込んでいた。」En: "I've been shouldering it all alone until I ended up like this."Ja: サクラとユウトは静かに聞いていました。En: Sakura and Yuto listened silently.Ja: 彼の静かな声は、雪の降る音のように心に響きました。En: His quiet voice resonated in their hearts like the sound of falling snow.Ja: 「ユウト、君にも辛い思いをさせたよね。」ハルートは、視線を弟に向けます。En: "Yuto, I made you suffer too, didn't I?" Haruto directed his gaze towards his brother.Ja: 「成功したつもりだったけど、本当は支えてもらえなければ何もできない。」En: "I thought I was successful, but in reality, I couldn't do anything without your support."Ja: ユウトは、泣きそうな目で兄を見つめました。En: Yuto looked at his brother with eyes that seemed on the verge of tears.Ja: 「今なら、分かるよ。」彼はゆっくりとうなずきました。En: "I understand now," he nodded slowly.Ja: 「僕もずっと、兄さんの背中を追ってた。」En: "I've always been chasing after you, niisan."Ja: サクラは静かに涙を流しました。En: Sakura quietly shed tears.Ja: 「家族であることの意味を、忘れないようにしたい。」En: "I want to make sure we never forget what it means to be family."Ja: その時、外の雪はさらに強く、しかし美しく降っていました。En: At that moment, the snow outside grew stronger yet fell beautifully.Ja: 暖かい光の中で、三人はそれぞれの手を取ります。En: In the warm light, the three of them took each other's hands.Ja: 「これから、一歩ずつ進んで...
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