If we are worried, then we are favoring mind energy. Worries come from the mind, not the heart. Gain clarity, receive holistic life coaching & daily tools w/free clearings to help feed the essential part of our system that is not the mind: our spirit. Us humans are comprised of a trinity: mind, body & spirit. The Chinese culture doesn't separate out the spirit from the heart; they’re the same word, shen. The importance of the positive emotions from the heart, or spirit, like joy, are seen as natural & are cultivated within the Buddhist & Yogic worlds. Whereas the negative emotions, like obsessive thinking, is seen as that - thinking. It is of the mind. There are tools that can help to reinforce & strengthen the presence of the spirit, or Higher Self, in our life. It feels like a softening, as opposed to the aggression of judgement from the mind. Come gain some gentleness for yourself so you can thrive! It is our natural state - joy & thriving...we just mess it up w/our minds.