In this podcast, JAMS neutrals Tracy W. McCormack, Esq., and Karl Bayer discuss how the legal and business needs have evolved in Austin, Texas, as it remains one of the fastest growing cities in the country. To set the stage, both neutrals discuss how Austin has grown as a hub for technology, innovation and entertainment, which has driven significant expansion in the area and made it attractive for new businesses and investment. From there, Mr. Bayer and Ms. McCormack discuss how the rapid growth and transformation of the region has influenced legal disputes and what general counsel can learn and apply to other cities. As the conversation continues, the neutrals weigh in on how companies are creatively tailoring ADR to meet the specific needs of their industries, such as designing unique solutions and also evaluating the national and international components of a dispute. Mr. Bayer and Ms. McCormack also address the value of a bespoke ADR process to support a company's long-term business goals and objectives, as well as how arbitration can be a helpful approach for resolving complex disputes. Finally, the neutrals conclude by extrapolating on how the growth in Austin—and the changes that have followed for the legal system—can hold broader significance for the future of ADR.