What are Killer Robots? What are the laws around LAWS (Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems)? In this episode, we spoke with Rianna Nayee, a Campaigns & Policy Officer at UNA-UK, a group which works on UN reform and specifically LAWS. Organisations Mentioned in the episode: UNA-UK: www.una.org.uk UK Campaign to Stop Killer Robots website: https://ukstopkillerrobots.org.uk/ Articles mentioned in the episode: The Moral and Legal Imperative to Ban Killer Robots: https://www.hrw.org/report/2018/08/21/heed-call/moral-and-legal-imperative-ban-killer-robots 2023 UN resolution on AWS: https://ukstopkillerrobots.org.uk/2023/11/07/uk-campaign-to-stop-killer-robots-welcomes-landmark-un-resolution-on-autonomous-weapons-systems/ UK Parliamentary Champions: https://una.org.uk/parliamentary-champions-action-autonomous-weaponsMonitoring AI weapons development: https://automatedresearch.org/weapons-systems/ Stop Killer Robots in UK Universities report: https://una.org.uk/KRUniReport Taking Action: https://www.stopkillerrobots.org/take-action/ (If you are a UCL Student) UCL Amnesty International Society: https://studentsunionucl.org/clubs-societies/amnesty-international-society Still wanting more? Check out our further resources here: https://tinyurl.com/258s2hkx