This episode looks at storytelling and folktale traditions in the American Folklife Center archives, including “Jack Tales,” tall tales, animal tales, and other stories. Hosts Stephen Winick and John Fenn talk with AFC intern Hanna Salmon about the new guide “Folktales and Oral Storytelling: Resources in the American Folklife Center Collections.” We then listen to and discuss excerpts of tales from North Carolina storyteller Ray Hicks, professional tellers Connie Regan-Blake and Barbara Freeman (aka The Folktellers), Evelio and Evelia Andux (a father and daughter from Florida), Cuban-American storyteller and frequent AFC guest Carmen Agra Deedy, and Choctaw author and storyteller Tim Tingle.
More information on the songs as well as photos of some the tellers and links to all the archival sources, can be found at