Best mind hack to Rewire your mind and achieve success! Results: Calm mind, Laser focus, no terror barrier and the belief and confidence you need.
Our minds can’t hold two contradictory emotions at the same time; and the mind moves in the direction of our currently dominant thoughts. So if we want to achieve our goals and enjoy ourselves while achieving them, we need to find something to: - calm the mind, - keep that laser focus on what we want to achieve - put aside emerging fears and limiting believes that block our progress; AND - have a strong belief and confidence that we can achieve it. With this RTT recording you are supported to access your subconscious mind, using an induced trance state/ also called an Alpha brain state or semi- hypnotic state. And while you have access to your subconscious, you tell it what you want it to do, when you are working towards your goals. To your success! Madiha