
  • Forgiveness
    Nov 10 2020

    Forgiveness is an act of love. It sets captives free. The first one to be set free, is yourself. Easy? Of course not! But very possible and recommendable.

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    33 mins
  • Episode 7: Grace
    Oct 19 2020

    Because of grace, we can come to God as we are. But then what? Is that it? Can we rest in our imperfection, knowing that His grace is sufficient for us, or is there more to it? When is grace an excuse? 

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    25 mins
  • Episode 8: Justice
    Oct 19 2020

    God is just. Justice is not a popular topic, especially if you don't agree with the particular system that is in place. How can we even believe that God is just, if we also believe that His grace saves us from sin? Contradiction...?

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    26 mins
  • Episode 9: Sin
    Oct 19 2020

    Let's talk about Sin. Some  of us are super-aware of it, others try to avoid any thoughts about it, and there are also people who see sin as an invention to create fear. Are we inherently sinful, or are we innocent and merely influenced by circumstances?

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    26 mins
  • Episode 5: Trinity: Father and Son
    Sep 29 2020

    When we speak about God as the Trinity, what exactly do we mean? Can God be anything other than three-in-one and if not, why not? In this episode we focus on the Father and the Son, their function and relationship, and what it means for us.

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    30 mins
  • Episode 6: Trinity:Holy Spirit
    Sep 29 2020

    We live in the age of spirituality, and yet the Holy Spirit, the third persona of the Trinity, causes much controversy both inside and outside of the church. Who or what is the Holy Spirit, and who are we in relation to Him?

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    26 mins
  • Episode 4: Be, Part Two
    Sep 13 2020

    Be true to yourself! Just be you! Positive slogans to promote, especially if you know who you are. In this episode Bianca shares her story with us. How she lost and found herself, and what needs to be done to continue overcoming obstacles, and stay true to yourself.
    Read her, and other, full stories in the book On Overcoming, available at www.onovercoming.co.za and follow us on Instagram @onovercoming.

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    35 mins
  • Episode 3: Be, Part One
    Sep 13 2020

    Be who you are.Your abundant life depends on it. Taking care of yourself and finding, reconnecting with and nurturing your inner being is the trendy thing to do. In the next two episodes we talk about the connection between identity, a full life and God. Do you sort yourself out first, before you can focus on connecting with or finding God, or is it the other way around? We share real stories of perceptions, belonging and finding truth. 

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    27 mins