“Supernatural Crusades” takes you on a thrilling exploration into the untold stories of mystical and supernatural events that occurred during the medieval Crusades. These holy wars were not only battles between armies, but they were also steeped in legends of divine interventions, mystical relics, and otherworldly forces that shaped the course of history.
Each episode uncovers the hidden spiritual and supernatural elements of the Crusades, from the fabled powers of the Holy Lance and the Ark of the Covenant to mysterious sightings, visions, and supernatural occurrences on the battlefield. We explore how faith, magic, and belief in the occult intertwined during these epic confrontations between East and West, and how both sides sought to harness mystical forces to turn the tides of war.
Join us on “Supernatural Crusades” as we reveal the untold stories of spiritual warfare, magical relics, and the supernatural forces that influenced the Crusades. Discover how ancient magic and religious fervor collided in one of history’s most legendary conflicts, and explore the hidden world of mysticism that lay beneath the surface of these epic battles.