Susan Perlman schmoozes with Elliot Klayman. Elliot tells the story of Rachmiel Frydland. Born in a little village in Poland. Rachmiel saw his whole killed including his bride yet miraculously lived through the Holocaust and came out with his faith in Yeshua stronger than before. He snuck back into the Warsaw ghetto just to be with his people, yet God spared him to tell others about Jesus.
To watch the play about Rachmiel Frydland’s life, please go here
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Hosts’ Bio:
Susan Perlman
Susan Perlman is one of the founders of the modern-day Jews for Jesus organization. A first-generation Jewish believer in Jesus from Brooklyn, New York, she’s a sought-after speaker and seasoned writer. Susan pioneered their evangelistic publication for Jewish seekers and currently is in the global role of Chief Partnership Officer for the ministry. working with like-minded groups who want to connect Jewish people to Jesus. She’s authored two messianic coloring books and is part of the Executive Leadership Team of Jews for Jesus.
Elliot Klayman
Elliot Klayman is a past president of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations and is the current Executive Director of Messianic Literature Outreach, also editing its publication, The Messianic Outreach. He directs the Messianic Jewish Theological School of Jewish Studies, and teaches in that Institute as well as in a number of other messianic schools and forums. Rabbi Elliot sits on Jewish Voice Ministry International’s Board of Directors and several other messianic Boards. Elliot taught Business Law for over 30 years at The Ohio State University. He and his wife Joyce (also a Jewish believer) live in San Diego.