Western investment in Africa has a long and complex history, often marked by exploitation and self-serving interests on the part of Western powers. The source mentions the "scramble and partition for Africa," referring to the period of European colonization during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. During this era, European powers sought to control African territories for their resources, markets, and strategic importance. This involved extractive industries, often with little benefit to the local populations, and established unequal power dynamics that continue to affect the continent today.
The source's reference to "a second bite at the apple" suggests that the current wave of Western investment might be viewed with suspicion, as a potential continuation of exploitative practices under a new guise. The "Awake Africa" podcast's skepticism reinforces this perspective, warning African leaders to be wary of potentially unfavorable deals. This skepticism is rooted in the history of unconscionable contracts imposed on African nations, which often led to economic disadvantages and limited their development. While the source does not detail the specific nature of these past contracts, it implies that they were designed to benefit Western interests at the expense of African nations.