Howdy, pardners! Tales of the Old West is an upcoming tabletop RPG from Effekt Publishing, and we were lucky enough to grab an interview with designers Dave Semark and Matthew Tyler-Jones of Effekt Publishing. Conversation on the game itself begins in earnest at (24:40)
The buffalo of conversation roams across topics such as the Mutant Year Zero Free Tabletop Licence (FTL), working for Free League, getting started as a writer for TTRPGS, their Effekt and Effekt AP podcasts, writing the wonderful Hope’s Last Day scenario for Alien: The Roleplaying Game, and winning a Gold ENNIE award for the Alien RPG sourcebook Building Better Worlds.
Dave and Matthew have come a long way from their days selling ‘zines for 80s Games Workshop RPGs and have successfully funded Tales of the Old West on Kickstarter.
If you want to see us in action playing the game, head over to Spreaker or YouTube
Click to join the Kickstarter - Kickstarter
Free quickplay rules! Tales of the Old West Quick Draw
More from Effekt - Effekt Publishing - The Effekt Podcast - The Effect AP Podcast
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