• TJ 299 - ARAH 314 - SKYBOUND G.I. Joe a real american hero review
    Mar 5 2025
    ARAH 314 Review / Discussion In this audio only episode, Mark and Tim are looking at G.I. Joe ARAH # 314 released 26 February 2025. Direct link http://cast.rocks/hosting/15498/arah-314.mp3 or via your podccast platform of choice, links at https://talkingjoe.co.uk/ Synopsis: A team of special operatives – including Sherlock, Tunnel Rat, and Tripwire – head out to rescue a young dissident, but nothing is what it seems! Featuring rising star guest artist Andrew Krahnke (Bloodrik)! Writer: Larry Hama Artist Andrew Krahnke Colorist: Francesco Segala, with Sabrina Del Grosso (Flatter) Letterer: Pat Brousseau Editor: Alex Antone Publication design Jillian Crab, Production Design Richard Mercado Creative Consultant: Diana Davis Music: https://www.bensound.com/free-music-for-videos Artist: Benjamin Lazzarus License code: ZXIVAYCWBU1VI96C
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    1 hr and 50 mins
  • TJ 298 - GI Joe 4 review audio only - Skybound energon universe discussion from Talking Joe
    Feb 27 2025
    GI Joe 4 review (recorded as a live stream video Sat 22nd Feb) - Skybound energon universe discussion from Talking Joe. Available as more tightly edited audio only version or as Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OkPNn1pLd0 (talking heads with images shared on screen) Mark & Tim are talking GI Joe #4 released , 19th Feb 2025. Creative Team: Writer Joshua Williamson Artist Tom Reilly Colorist Jordie Bellaire Letterer Russ Wooton Editor Ben Abernethy Logo and publication design Andres Juarez Production Ashby Florence Cover Gallery https://leagueofcomicgeeks.com/comic/2920562/gi-joe-4
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    1 hr and 50 mins
  • TJ 297 - Mike Vosburg interview - Marvel G.I. Joe art legend (audio only version)
    Feb 20 2025
    New episode - Mike Vosburg interview Available as talking heads video (with various art shared on screen) https://youtu.be/2_7evuil1W4 or as more tightly edited audio only version Mark and Tim are talking with artist Mike Vosburg - the was the artist for most of "year two" of the G.I.Joe comic books 1983/84 for most of issues #9 through to 23 as well as a storyboard artist on the GI Joe cartoon. Mike Vosburg's comics career began in 1962, producing his own Fanzine, before working in underground comics then going on to create Comics for Marvel, DC, Valiant and more including his own creator owned series like Lori Lovecraft. He created comic covers for the Tales from the crypt tv show, has worked as a storyboard artist and much more besides PDFs below are some of the pencils from Mike's blogs, storyboard art etc. Links: VozComix posts on GI Joe https://vozcomix.blogspot.com/search?q=GI+Joe Interview: https://joeguide.com/interviews/mikevosburg.shtml Bibliography https://comicvine.gamespot.com/mike-vosburg/4040-5595/issues-cover/ Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Vosburg Storyboards: https://sunbowmarvelarchive.blogspot.com/ , https://arealamericanbook.com/tag/mike-vosburg/ ABOUT MIKE VOSBURG:Mike Vosburg's comics career began in the 1960s, when as a teenager he started Masquerader, one of the first comic book fanzines. He began working in underground comics in the 1970s, with creations such as Split Screen, written by Tom Veitch. Later in the 1970s and 1980s, Vosburg contributed to horror titles by Western Publishing and Charlton Comics. His story "Mail Order Brides," published in Kitchen Sink Press's Bizarre Sex #3, was in a similar horror/mystery vein.Around this time, Vosburg also did various work for DC Comics and Marvel Comics. He is probably best known for his work from that period on Savage She-Hulk, Sisterhood of Steel, and G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero. He also worked on the Valiant Comics' titles Bloodshot and Archer & Armstrong.From 1989-1996, for the TV series Tales from the Crypt, Vosburg illustrated comic book covers designed to look like the original 1950s comics. Originally hired to do concept drawings for the wraparound sequence, Vosburg ended up storyboarding the title segment as well as illustrating almost every cover used in the show's 93 episodes.
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    2 hrs
  • TJ 296 - DISAVOWED - MARK POWERS INTERVIEW - Devils Due G.I. joe writer/ editor
    Feb 13 2025
    New episode! Mark Powers Interview (Devils Due WWIII writer) Talking heads YouTube video - https://youtu.be/Z-WMqfWzIQA Edited audio only podcast http://cast.rocks/hosting/15498/Mark-Powers.mp3 or wherever you get your podcasts, links at https://talkingjoe.co.uk/ Mark and Tim talk to Devils Due G.I. joe writer/ editor Mark Powers about his time at Marvel Comics, Drafted, editing G.I. Joe, returning to write G.I. Joe Americas Elite and much more. Mark Powers graduated from Rutgers University in New Jersey with a degree in art in 1990, joining Marvel Comics as an Intern in 1991 , where he stayed for 11 years and rose through the ranks to senior editor. Work at marvel included editing New X-Men with Grant Morrison & Frank Quietly and Ultimate X-Men with Mark Millar and Adam Kubert. He also had work as a penciler including in Marvel Comics Presents #119 & 120. In 2002, he left Marvel and moved to Chicago to work as an editor at Devil's Due Publishing, editing the G.I. Joe titles from #31 through to G.I. Joe: America's Elite #4 and other titles such as Snake Eyes Declassified. After a break, he returned in 2007 as writer on the fan favourite World War 3 storyline in , in the America's Elite issues 21 - 36 which were the final Joe comics from Devils Due. and on Drafted series for the publisher. Since then, he has worked as a freelance writer for his own company, Mega Powers Entertainment , including the comic book adaptations of two of Dresden Files novels for Dynamite Entertainment and other projects. Bibliography: [https://comicvine.gamespot.com/mark-powers/4040-41022/issues-cover/]
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    1 hr and 55 mins
  • TJ 295 - DISAVOWED - Mike Bear interview - Devils Due G.I. Joe WWIII Artist
    Feb 6 2025
    Talking Joe interview with Mike Bear - Devils Due G.I. Joe WWIII Artist! Available as YouTube video interview https://youtu.be/mfie4gwmTcw Today we are talking to a very special guest, GI Joe americas Elite artist, Mike Bear! Mike Bear from Stanwood, Washington near seattle. Graduate of SCAD Savannah college of art & design. He worked on a 9 page story (major bludd vs recondo) for G.I. joe Special Missions: Tokyo and then joined as artist on GI Joe: America's Elite comic for Devil's Due Publishing with a long run on issues 21-36. After GI Joe, he moved to the animation and games industry, working on concept art with Rockstar Games on projects like Max Payne 3 and LA Noire and more recently as Background Painter on Rick and Morty. Links: Mike Bear https://www.yojoe.com/reviews/interviews/mikebear.shtml Mike Bear did some card art : https://news.hisstank.com/2010/01/15/possible-g-i-joe-resolute-7-pack-box-art-revealed-9262 https://www.bearmantooth.com/ https://www.instagram.com/bearmantooth/ Non comics credits: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm9323726/ Art Gallery: https://www.artstation.com/bearmantooth https://www.deviantart.com/bearmantooth Blog: https://mikebear.blogspot.com/2007/05/yo-joe.html Comic Credits: https://comicvine.gamespot.com/mike-bear/4040-43075/issues-cover/ Interview: https://characterdesignreferences.com/blog-interviews-3/mike-bear 💫Talking Joe links💫 Talking Joe Website https://www.talkingjoe.co.uk/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/315524545720270 Twitter https://twitter.com/Talking_Joe Instagram https://www.instagram.com/talkingjoecomics/ 🤜 Support us on Patreon 🤛 www.patreon.com/talkingjoe About Talking Joe: Talking Joe is a weekly podcast in which Mark, Tim & Jay and a revolving set of guests co-hosts review and discuss the ever evolving, always entertaining world of G.I. Joe comics. The journey began with Marvel's epic 155 issue run and continues through to present day IDW and Devil's Due eras. 👬Friends of Talking Joe👬 Tim Finn https://arealamericanbook.com/ Jay Cordray's Break Room Sketches https://m.facebook.com/groups/768057380503369/ Chief Stride & ArmaGEEKdon https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCergSOclqVJFwueULT8SdAQ Chris "Diagnostik80" McLeod - Full Force https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs4PUlvRWXzaW8EAXDe-Jyg Steve "SJubs7" Jubber https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0W3wPhykE4Z6NDF5WgdGew
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    1 hr and 11 mins
  • TJ 294 - ARAH 313 - AUDIO ONLY - SKYBOUND A real american hero review
    Jan 30 2025
    Mark & Tim discuss G.I. Joe ARAH # 313 released 22nd January 2025. Originally recorded as a YouTube livestream with images shared on screen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTWZttWWy_o Audio only version edited for quality. Creative team Writer: Larry Hama Artist Chris Mooneyham Colorist: Francesco Segala, with Sabrina Del Grosso (Flatter) Letterer: Pat Brousseau Editor: Alex Antone Publication design Jillian Crab, Production Design Richard Mercado Creative Consultant: Diana Davis Covers: https://leagueofcomicgeeks.com/comic/9694646/gi-joe-a-real-american-hero-313
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    1 hr and 50 mins
  • TJ 293 - GI Joe 3 review AUDIO ONLY - Skybound energon universe discussion from Talking joe
    Jan 23 2025
    GI Joe 3 review - Skybound energon universe discussion from Talking Joe Mark & Tim talk GI Joe #3 released by Image/ Skybound, 15th January 2025. There is a choice of watching on YouTube (Originally recorded as a YouTube Livestream) or a more tightly edited audio only podcast version Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXt4pya-Oh0 Direct Audio link http://cast.rocks/hosting/15498/gi-joe-3.mp3 Find links to your podcaster of choice at https://talkingjoe.co.uk/ Creative Team: Writer Joshua Williamson Artist Tom Reilly Colorist Jordie Bellaire Letterer Russ Wooton Editor Ben Abernethy Logo and publication design Andres Juarez Production Ashby Florence
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    1 hr and 59 mins
  • TJ 292 - Brian Shearer interview from JoeFest 2024 - IDW G.I. Joe ARAH Inker/ artist
    Jan 16 2025
    Brian Shearer interview from JoeFest 2024 - IDW G.I. Joe ARAH Inker/ artist New episode! Previously only available as a Patreon exclusive! Direct link http://cast.rocks/hosting/15498/brian-shearer.mp3 Or wherever good podcasts are found, links at https://talkingjoe.co.uk/ Mark sat down with Brian Shearer at his booth on the JoeFest2024 floor to talk about his work on the GI Joe comics. There is a bit of background noise, but we used noise cancelling lapel mics so sound quality is ok. Brian Shearer is a professional comic book artist and illustrator based in the United States. He has worked on a variety of high-profile comic book titles, including Transformers, and Doctor Who, among others. He also writes and illustrates his creator-owned graphic novels, Gunship Thunderpunch and William the Last. We know him best for his work on GI Joe, inking SL Gallant after Gary Eskine's run. Starting with 173 then a long run 191 through to 263. He had full art duties for 2 issues, 253 featuring duke and 277 featuring Law and order and illustrated several covers. credits: https://comicvine.gamespot.com/brian-shearer/4040-56423/issues-cover/ webiste: https://www.brian-shearer.com/
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    35 mins