"The Adventure Of The Count Trefanno Crest" is a Frank Race detective episode that revolves around the theft of a valuable family crest. Race is hired to investigate the disappearance of the Trefanno family crest, and he quickly realizes that the case is more complicated than he thought. The investigation leads him to the Trefanno family's ancestral home, where he uncovers family secrets and long-held grudges. As he delves deeper into the case, Race becomes embroiled in a web of deceit and betrayal. Ultimately, he must use his wit and cunning to solve the case and recover the stolen crest. The episode is filled with twists and turns that keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
This is just one of hundreds of detective and mystery radio shows available from the golden age of radio that have been digitally remastered at:
In this episode: Frank Race, detective, theft, valuable, family crest, investigation, Trefanno family, ancestral home, secrets, grudges, deceit, betrayal, wit, cunning, solve, twists, turns, edge of their seats.